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College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Mathematics

The Mathematics Program:

  1. Provides challenging experiences in Mathematics, Physics, and Physical Science, which prepare graduates to pursue additional study in graduate, medical/dental, and other professional schools.
  2. Provides opportunities for all students to develop quantitative and problem- solving skills.
  3. Provides experiences that enable graduates to find employment in science- related careers.
  4. Provides opportunities for majors to complete a cooperative education experience in their disciplines.


  1. To improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills of all students.
  2. To prepare department majors for medical/dental, graduate, and professional schools.
  3. To provide quality general education courses that produce students with skills required for successful careers.

Specific Competencies/Skills

  1. Knowledge of the major concepts in Physics, Physical Science, and Mathematics.
  2. Proficiency in scientific writing, oral and visual presentations, and computer applications.
  3. Proficiency in data analysis and statistical procedures.
  4. Application of research techniques.
  5. Proficiency in using equipment and technology in areas of the major field



Free Learning Resources for Students:

Access to over 440 courses on the latest technologies, practice exercises to sharpen skills for eligible students. Also get access to Datalab, Certification, and Jobs! This is an over $399 USD value. If you are interested to learn Data Science, AI, ML and want free unlimited access to Data Camp classrooms, send an email to

Huston Tillotson Mathematics and Data Science Club 

National Student Data Corps HT Chapter 

International Conference on STEM and Education, 2023

International Conference on STEM and Education, 2024



Farzana Hussain, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair of Mathematics

Office: Dickey-Lawless Room 104D

Phone: 512.505.6454

Email:,   LinkedIn | Farzana Hussain, Ph.D.

Hussain’s biography            Hussain’s Curriculum Vitae  


Ahmad Kamalvand, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

Office: Dickey-Lawless Room 302A

Phone: 512.505.6455


Dr. Kamalvand’s biography


Dr. Engin Topkara, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics

Office: Dickey-Lawless Room 104B

Phone: 512.505.6458



Eileen Slaton, M.Ed.

Instructor of Mathematics

Office: Dickey-Lawless Room 104E

Phone: 512.505.6456


Prof. Slaton’s biography


 K. Lewis, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office: Dickey-Lawless Room no 104C

Phone: 512-505-6470

Email:        K. Lewis | LinkedIn



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