TEA Policies and Resources
All Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) must adhere to the mandates of the TEA (Texas Educational Association). The Texas Requirements for EPPs can be found here http://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/preparation-and-continuing-education/program-provider-resources
Below are some common questions regarding TEA Policies, Resources and our EPP:
Question 1: Where can I find the policies for my EPP?
Question 2: How do I sign up for my TExES tests?
Question 3: How do I set up an Educator Login Account (ECOS) for TEA?
Question 4: How do I apply for Initial Certification?
Question 5: What is the procedure for getting a Background check?
Question 6: How do I register a complaint?
- Step 1: Consult the HTU University Bulletin and note the policy for student grievances.
- Step 2: Issue your complaint; contact the Teacher Preparation Department Chair
- Step 3: Consult with HTU’s Title III Representative
- Step 4: Register a complaint using the following format http://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/preparation-and-continuing-education/complaints-against-educator-preparation-programs