TexShare & Interlibrary Loan
The Downs-Jones Library doesn’t own every book or journal article in the world – but we can get most things for you through our cooperative lending programs.
HT Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni:
The TexShare Card is a statewide program that takes you to other libraries. Get your free TexShare card at the Downs-Jones Library, and it will be your “guest” library card for most of the libraries in Texas.
To get a TexShare card, bring your HT ID card to the library’s main desk and fill out a short form. Students must renew their TexShare card every semester. Faculty and staff may keep their TexShare card for one calendar year.
The library you visit with your TexShare card makes the rules! Please be a good guest, as your behavior reflects on HT and the Downs-Jones Library. Ask about their guest user policies.
Books, DVDs, media, and other items checked out with a TexShare card must be returned to their home library. Do not return these materials to the Downs-Jones Library. You, the borrower, are responsible for any damage to these materials or their loss.
TexShare Guests from Other Libraries:
To use the Downs-Jones Library, please bring your state-issued photo ID and your valid, current TexShare card to the library’s main desk.
See our Guest Lending Policies page for usage restrictions.
We do not charge for TexShare checkouts, unless an item is damaged or lost in your care.
Interlibrary Loan
HT Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Interlibrary Loan is a nationwide program that brings other libraries to you. Books and journal articles can be sent to the Downs-Jones Library for you.
To request an item, fill out the Interlibrary Loan form. Please provide as much information as possible so librarians can identify the correct item. Please be aware that article requests may take up to a week to be fulfilled, and books or physical media sent through the mail may take 1-3 weeks to arrive.
Please do not request textbooks through Interlibrary Loan. The longer delivery time (1-3 weeks) and shorter lending period (3-4 weeks) make it difficult for the textbook to be useful for long.
Articles will be delivered as PDFs. They will be emailed to you from library@htu.edu.
Books or physical media may be picked up from the library’s main desk.
The lending library makes the rules! Please return books and physical media by the due date in My Library Account to the library’s main desk. PDFs do not need to be returned.
You are responsible for lost or damaged items.
ILL Borrowers from Other Libraries:
We endeavor to fulfill requests promptly. However, we do not offer package tracking on mailed books or other items.
For their safety, items that are older, physically unstable, or unique may not travel. Requests may be refused on account of an item’s condition.
Because of their high demand by HT students, reserve textbooks are not eligible for Interlibrary Loan.
Archival materials and technology are not eligible for Interlibrary Loan.
We do not charge for Interlibrary Loan requests, unless an item is lost or damaged while in your care.
Email the Technical Services Librarian at kgashton@htu.edu, or call 512.505.3052 during business hours (Central Time).
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