Campus Safety
The mission of Campus Safety is to ensure a safe, secure, and orderly campus for students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors at Huston-Tillotson University, thereby contributing toward a positive learning environment.
Safety at Huston-Tillotson is a shared responsibility that every member of the University community needs to take seriously. We believe that the key to preventing crime is awareness, which is best achieved through education and communication. Faculty, staff, students and Campus Safety all work together to promote a safe environment in which to learn.
To develop a foundation for providing the highest standard of professionalism, safety, security, community service, and be proactive when it comes to crime prevention.
Code of Ethics
We are committed to “providing students with an opportunity to succeed” by maintaining the highest standard of ethical and moral behavior; delivering proactive and responsive services to all people; valuing the diversity of the community and always being mindful of the trust bestowed upon the Campus Safety department.
Campus Safety
Campus Safety officers patrol the campus 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, respond to emergencies and other calls for service, walk through the campus buildings, provide escorts, and staff special events.
Safety Tips
All students should note that Huston-Tillotson University is located in a large urban environment. As such, students and University personnel are not immune from potential dangers: theft, threat of bodily harm, and other acts of violence that exist in an urban environment. Please be advised that you should be constantly aware of your surroundings. If you leave the campus by walking, do so with someone else and pay attention to strangers and report any suspicious activity to a campus police officer/security officer or other University officials.
Campus safety is the responsibility of every member of the University family. These are ways you can help make the University a safe and enjoyable place to live, work and learn:
1. Keep all doors and windows locked in your absence. Always carry your room key and lock your room upon leaving, even if you will be gone for only a short time;
2. Do not allow non-residents to enter behind you into the residence halls, even if you know them;
3. Do not prop open doors;
4. Purchase insurance for your personal property;
5. Record personal property make, model and serial numbers. (Request engraving service from Campus Safety);
6. Secure your valuables;
7. Never leave your purse or wallet unattended, even for a short time;
8. Be cautious of strangers asking for change or directions;
9. Report suspicious activity to Campus Safety Officers immediately. Be prepared to provide a brief description of the individual’s activity and direction of travel when last observed; and
10. At night, travel with a friend. Always tell someone where you are going and when you can be expected to return.
The University provides reasonable security to protect students and student property. However, you need to be aware that theft, loss, or vandalism of personal property is a possibility in a setting where there are large numbers of people. The University cannot and does not accept responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen property.
Steps you can take to reduce the risk of theft or loss are:
1. Keep your vehicle locked. Do not keep expensive, attractive equipment stored in plain view in your car;
2. Keep your room locked when you are not in, even for such a short period of time as taking a shower;
3. Do NOT give anyone your room key;
4. Lock your bike with a sturdy chain and lock;
5. Keep a written record of the model and serial numbers of valuables. Photographs are also often helpful;
6. Do not carry or keep large amounts of cash around campus or in your room;
7. Purchase property insurance for items such as stereos, computers, media players, etc.;
8. A report of loss or damage should be made to the Department of Campus Safety;
9. Identify your property, especially electronics, with your name and a state issued driver’s license number or a personal identification number;
10. Building entrance doors, stairwell doors and other secured doors must not be propped open;
11. Doors to student rooms should be locked at all times;
12. Non-residents of a hall should not be allowed access to the hall unless they are the guests of a resident of that hall;
13. All guests must be properly registered and should never be left unattended;
14. Suspicious persons found in or around the building should be reported to Campus Safety at x3010;
15. Do not tamper with security cameras and monitors;
16. Stay alert at all times and tuned in to the surroundings (wearing headphones while walking or jogging can reduce the level of alertness);
17. Plan routes in advance, and vary those routes, whenever possible;
18. Get to know the neighborhoods where you live and work: find out what stores and restaurants are open late and where police and fire stations are located;
19. When walking or jogging, use busy streets and avoid shortcuts through deserted parks, vacant lots and unlit passages;
20. At night, walk or jog only on streets with plenty of light and traffic, and avoid walking alone, if possible;
21. Walk on the part of the sidewalk close to the street and away from shrubbery, trees or doorways (on less busy streets at night, it is sometimes safer to walk in the street rather than on the sidewalk);
22. Stand tall and walk confidently;
23. Trust your instincts: get help right away if the situation or place is uncomfortable;
24. Do not carry large sums of cash or display cash in public;
25. If possible, carry only identification, phone numbers and the credit cards you need. Keep a list at home of credit cards and other important material you would need to replace in case of loss;
26. Separate house keys from car keys (women should keep their keys in places other than their purses);
27. Keep names and phone numbers of relatives or friends handy in the event of an accident or emergency; and
28. Keys and key cards should never be loaned to another person.
Preventing Textbook Theft
It is unfortunate but some people steal. One of the major expenses of attending a university is the cost of textbooks. The average student spends $300-$400 per semester on textbooks. And because textbooks may be re-sold for cash, they make attractive targets for thieves.
Textbooks often are left unattended in public areas;
Textbooks can be easily resold;
Textbooks are increasing in value; and
Often, owners cannot be identified.
Throughout the year, HT Campus Safety receives complaints of book theft, especially at the beginning and end of the semester and around the holidays.
Campus Safety offers you several tips that will reduce your chances of being a victim of book theft.
Textbook Theft Prevention Tips
Never leave your possessions unattended in public places. Remember, the majority of thefts on campus are thefts of opportunity. Most items are stolen because they are left unattended.
The only way to stop a person from selling a book back or accuse a person of stealing someone’s book is to see if the book has a designated mark.
Marking your possession with an identifying number is an effective method of deterring theft.
Thieves find it more difficult to dispose of stolen articles that can be traced through an owner making identification marks.
Students should mark the textbook with an identifying number on a specific page of the textbook and keep a record of it. Mark the corresponding page with your own initials. This way, if the book is stolen, both the police and the bookstores will have a better chance of tracing the book once it is sold back.
If caught with a marked item, the thief can be convicted. The marked items can also be returned to the rightful owner.
Make a list of your books and include the name of the book, type of book, the author, and any identifying marks to help HT Campus Safety in the recovery of the lost or stolen book(s).
Report all textbook thefts immediately to Campus Safety and to the HT Bookstore. By doing so, you can enhance your chances of recovering your textbook.
Ways to Mark Your Textbooks
Print your full name on the inside cover of each textbook.
Print the current school year and semester under your name.
Print an identifiable number that you can remember on a specific page with your own initials on the corresponding page.