COVID-19 Distance Learning Support
COVID19 Academic Plan – Preparation for Alternative Instruction
Huston-Tillotson University is supporting the safety of all students, faculty and staff by transitioning courses online and remote, per announcements by The Office of the President. All instructors are asked to use this time to take the necessary steps in preparation of teaching classes remotely. Understandingly, this is a significant change for both faculty and students. For this reason, the Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation is here to assist everyone prepare thoughtfully and thoroughly so that we can continue to provide an excellent learning experience for our students.
- All faculty, staff and students are asked to monitor official communication and adhere to COVID-19 health precautions, as announced on Huston-Tillotson University’s Coronavirus Preparedness site.
- Individuals residing on campus are highly urged to lessen social distancing.
- Faculty and staff should identify reliable electronic resources to support distance learning, such a personal laptop, computer, or tablet. Mobile devices can also serve as ‘light’ support for limited access to some course material and assessments. Both Canvas and Zoom offer a free mobile app* that supports campus instructional technologies.
- Downs-Jones Library will remain open (excluding March 19-20); however, some services and hours may be limited. See the paragraph below for more details on how to access electronic library resources.
- Visit the CAIT’s Training page for instructional technology support, such Canvas training videos for Faculty and Students. These materials are helpful as we prepare for distance learning. More information and resources will continue to be added.
- Advising for students will continue but may be done remotely. More information on accessing student advising and other student services will be forthcoming.
Faculty COVID19 Academic Plan – Faculty Preparation for Alternative Remote Instruction
- Preparing for a Distance Learning Environment
- Readiness Check for Working At a Distance
- QM Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) Checklist (Difference between Remote and Online Learning)
- Faculty Academic Action Plan
- Transitioning to Online Support Presentations
- Adding Content Online in a Hurry – Help guide from Vanderbilt University
- Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption – EXCELLENT OER from Standford University with embedded Google Docs
- Moving Online -research guide from The Chronicle
Student COVID-19 Support Plan 101
Huston-Tillotson University is committed to the success of distance learning. For assistance with internet access, computer resources and other technical questions, please contact Information Technology contacting helpdesk@htu.edu. Information Technology help desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For those who are seeking additional support, resources are available by contacting our Counseling and Consultation Office, Student Affairs, and academic coaches in the Center for Academic Excellence. For timely campus updates about COVID-19, visit Huston-Tillotson University’s Coronavirus Preparedness site.
Additional Library Resources:
eBooks can be accessed through the library’s main website at https://htu.edu/academics/library by selecting the “Books” icon and searching for a title, author, or subject.
eBooks can also be found through many of our library databases at http://htu.libguides.com/az.php. Popular eBook databases include the EBSCO eBook Collection and the MAS Reference eBook Collection.
All library databases are available during this time. Students can access them all at http://htu.libguides.com/az.php, or search from the library home page by selecting the “Articles” icon.
TROUBLE LOGGING IN? Click the “Set/Reset Your Password” link visible on all library login pages. Your username is your my.HTU username; you set your password when presented with a login screen.
*Check with your mobile carrier if data and messaging rates apply *Reference in part from UNL, 2020