Readiness Check for Working At a Distance: Faculty and Instructors
In the next few days, it is dire that all faculty and instructors perform a readiness check in preparation for all courses being delivered remotely:
- Do you have a reliable computer, tablet or laptop to preform necessary instruction?
- Does your laptop or tablet have an embedded camera to support Zoom or Canvas Conference video conferencing? Does your computer require an external webcam?
- Do you have sufficient computer hardware to complete your normal and necessary work tasks?
- Can you access the internet and VPN? Do you have sufficient bandwidth off campus? If not, consider alternative locations for working remotely (e.g. local coffee shop, public library, etc.).
- Have you tested access to essential programs, such has Microsoft 365 (Outlook, Calendar, etc.), Canvas LMS, word processing (like Microsoft Word), presentation software (like PowerPoint), spreadsheet software (like Excel), and any additional programs that you need? Do you need any software installed on your personal device? Discussion options with Information Technology by emailing helpdesk@htu.edu.
- Are you prepared to address students that may contact you via office? Can you access your voicemail and receive messages? If your voicemail is not set up to forward to your email, consider changing your outgoing message to indicate that you may not be able to check your voicemail regularly and that email is a better way to reach you.
- Has proper and clear communication been established with your department Chair, Coordinator, or Dean? How will technical assistance be handled by your college or department?
If you do not regularly teach alternative (online and/or hybrid and blended methods), take time to review your current curriculum and identify what content, student learning outcomes and assessment types would be best suited online. The Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation will be happy to make recommendations and assist in moving essential course functions to a remote access format. Contact The Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation at cait@htu.edu to schedule a one-on-one discussion.