#HTVaxUp – COVID-19 Vaccination Information
Vaccines are one of the strongest tools we have to control and prevent infectious diseases. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and free. Vaccinations are the best intervention we have for reliable protection for our entire community.
Are you up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination?
Austin Public Health has created this tool for COVID-19 vaccination guidance. It will help you determine if you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations based on current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You’ll need to reference your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card for previous vaccination dates in the form. For more information about vaccines and boosters, visit Get a COVID-19 vaccine | AustinTexas.gov.
Information on the bivalent booster and the importance of boosters
When am I considered fully vaccinated?
You are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and 2 weeks after your single dose of the Janssen (Johnson and Jonhson) vaccine. Booster People are best protected when they stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations, which includes getting boosters when eligible.
Where can I get vaccinated off campus?
You can find other local vaccines sites at vaccines.gov. Most pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and HEB, are offering vaccinations. You can also get vaccinated at the local Health Department. Vaccination is always no cost, does not require insurance, and many do not require an appointment!
Do I have to get my second dose in the same place I received my first dose?
NO, you can get your second dose anywhere all you need is your vaccine card so they can verify which vaccine you were given and on which date. You do not need to bring the vaccine card with you, a picture is enough; however, keeping your record on one vaccination card is recommended.
Where can I get more information?
We have developed two informational resources about the COVID-19 vaccine for the HT community. Check out the #HTVaxUp campaign and the “Answering Questions, Dispelling Myths, Telling Truths” panel discussion with vaccine experts. More information about the HT Reactivation Plan can be found at htu.edu/safeandhealthyrams.