Media Archive
HT RAMS Media Archive
Welcome to Huston-Tillotson University’s Media Archive. HT RAMS Media Archive is a newly established service that provides access to the audio and audiovisual (A/V) formats. Although HT RAMS Media Archive is new, the acquisition of A/V collections began in the 1970s. Unique among cultural institutions that house moving images and sound recordings, Huston-Tillotson University’s collections are comprised of historical events that took place on Huston-Tillotson’s campus and around Austin. Most importantly, the A/V collection highlights the accomplishments and historical traditions that nurture East Austin and its history. The Media Archive is one of many services that the University Archives offers to HT’s faculty, staff, and students. The Media Archive’s mission is to document the academic, administrative, social, and cultural history of Huston-Tillotson University by collecting, preserving, and providing access to materials of permanent historical value. |
HT RAMS Media Archive includes
For more information, please visit the Requests page. |
Services Current HT students, faculty, and staff, as well as TexShare card holders in good standing, are eligible to check out DVDs from the Circulation Desk at the Downs-Jones Library. Patrons must have an HT ID card or a TexShare card to check out items, and may check out up to 5 DVDs at a time for 7 days. Click the link above to see available items.
Equipment Portable DVD players are available for check-out at the circulation desk.
On-Demand Digitization On-Demand Digitization is coming soon. Please watch this page or contact us directly at archives@htu.edu for updates. |
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