COVID-19 Student FAQs
Huston-Tillotson University is here to support our students and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding is available through the HT Emergency Grant Application, to assist students with challenges that may arise. Read below for additional information regarding the Emergency Grant Application.
For technological support, please complete the HT Technology Needs Survey.
Need to reach a member of HT immediately?
Please submit an inquiry to the HT COVID-19 Hotline at ht_covid-19@htu.edu
Frequently Asked Questions
Academics & Registration
Has the 2020 Commencement date been determined?
- The May 2020 Commencement was postponed. As previously mentioned, Huston-Tillotson University is committed to honoring your hardwork and achievement. A new commencement date has not been determined, because of the moving opening and closing mandates around COVID 19. To date, Class of 2020 diplomas have been mailed and will continue to be mailed for graduates that completed in June and will complete in August. Graduate robes have also been ordered with instructions on distribution to come.
How will student grading be impacted by moving to remote teaching and learning?
- Change to the remote teaching and learning environment will have minimal impact on student grading. If changes in the grading scale or scoring of your class are made, the University expects that students will be informed by their instructors in writing. Because most classes will be continued in an asynchronous environment, we anticipate few changes. Faculty are encouraged to be understanding and flexible as they work with students to get through the remainder of the Spring 2020 academic semester. Likewise, we ask that students please be patient and understanding that you are our top priority and that we want to ensure that each student can complete the semester and earn academic credit for their courses. If at any time you have a concern, please do not hesitate to let us know via the COVID-19 Hotline Email at ht_covid-19@htu.edu. (Office of the President, 2020)
- Keep in mind that teaching and learning is a complex matter, and even more so in the mist of the daily changing environment we have all been thrust into. As an accredited institution of higher education, HT is obligated to abide by higher education standards and ensure that your educational credentials are above reproach upon completion of your degree. Your degree will certify that you have completed a highly qualified program of study and allow you to move on to graduate school or a career that will ensure your readiness. We will continue to discuss this and other matters as we make the decisions that are in the best interest of our students.
Can I opt for pass/fail grades in any of my Spring 2020 courses?
- Yes, to help mitigate the impact of the unprecedented crisis, undergraduate students will be allowed to opt for pass/fail grades in any of the Spring 2020 courses. The deadline to opt for a pass/fail grade is the last class day i.e. Tuesday, April 28 for seniors and Friday, May 1 for non-seniors. Students are required to consult with their academic advisor (at least one week before the deadline) to ensure they understand the consequences of the choice to submit a request for the pass/fail grade.
- Students have to complete the course to opt for the pass/fail grade option.
Have the dates to withdraw from a course(s) and/or the university changed?
- Yes, the dates to withdraw from a course(s) and the university have been extended to the last class day i.e. Tuesday, April 28 for seniors and Friday May 1, for non-seniors.
Are there any changes in dates to the Spring 2020 Academic Calendar?
- Seniors
Tuesday, April 28 Final Day to withdraw from a class with “W” grade
Tuesday, April 28 Final Day to withdraw from the University - Non-seniors
Friday, May 1 Final Day to withdraw from a class with “W” grade
Friday, May 1 Final Day to withdraw from the University
Academic Support & Advising
Who is my advisor, or how do I receive academic advising?
- Fall 2020 Advising Guide
- Students are assigned a faculty or professional staff member to function as your advisor based on your major field of study. Most Freshmen and students who have not declared a major are advised at the Center for Academic Excellence. All advisors are trained to work with students, regardless of potential academic majors.
- If you have earned 30 or more credit hours i.e. Sophomore, Junior or Senior, then please email your faculty advisor to give you clearance and/or schedule an advising meeting. If you have earned less than 30 credit hours i.e. first-time freshman or freshman then please email your First Year seminar (FYS) instructor to schedule an advising meeting.
- 2020 Faculty Advisors Contact Sheet
How do I schedule an appointment to receive advising?
- To make an appointment with an advisor, please use the following link or go to the CAE section under offices on the HTU website to submit an advising ticket.
- CAE and Faculty Advisor appointments can be made using the CAE advising tickets.
- Fill out the form completely. If you already know who your Faculty advisor is, please list them.
- Faculty advisor list is also available on the CAE site. See above for the 2020 Faculty Advisors Contact Sheet.
- An advisor will contact you based on your availability information.
How do I prepare for my remote advising appointment?
- Review your Degree Plan and General Course Requirements.
- Log on to Canvas or My.HTU to identify if you have any holds. If you have a hold of any kind you will not be able to register.
- Make a list of questions or concerns to discuss. Nothing is too big or small!
What can I expect will happen during my advising appointment?
- Advisors can provide information regarding available resources and let you know where you can find needed information.
- Advisors can provide information regarding SAP. [Satisfactory Academic Progress]
Other information
Your success is important to us. If all else fails, please don’t hesitate to call the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) directly at 512.505.3094 or email at cae@htu.edu.
Information regarding CAE training services will be coming soon.
Where should athletes check for COVID-19 impacts to sports?
- Click this LINK to monitor all announcements from Athletics. Athletes can contact Dr. Monique Carroll at mvcarroll@htu.edu for questions.
Campus Life
How do I get in touch with Campus Life?
- Email campuslife@htu.edu to get in contact with Ms. Gaines – Coordinator of Campus Life.
What services will Campus Life provide in this online environment?
- Campus Life will provide student engagement activities to complete the academic year including TGIFs, Student Body Meetings, and a Watch Party. Please stay tuned to social media pages for all upcoming events.
How do I close out the year for my Registered Student Organization (RSO)?
- Campus Life will schedule a conference call with current Presidents and provide all necessary materials and updates in order to effectively close out the 2019-2020 academic year. All information will be submitted electronically.
How do we register a student organization for the 2020-2021 school year?
- All student organizations must complete an organization packet to be considered an active organization for the 2020-2021 school year. There will be no exceptions made to this requirement.
- Non-Greek Lettered Organization Presidents should email campuslife@htu.edu to receive a registration packet and details on the modified deadlines for completing and submitting the information.
- Greek Lettered Organization (NPHC) Presidents should email nphc@htu.edu to receive a registration packet and details on the modified deadlines for completing and submitting the information.
What about Student Leadership Academy?
- Student Leadership Academy has been postponed. Please stay tuned to social media pages for an update.
How do I run for a position on SGA, Royal Court, etc.?
- The Office of Campus Life is reviewing how to proceed with elections. Please stay tuned to social media pages for an update.
I am a Peer Learning Coach (PLC) in the Center for Academic Excellence. Can I still receive pay?
- Students working on campus through a Federal Grant such as Title III, can only be paid for documented hours worked.
Career & Graduate Development
How do I get in touch with Career & Graduate Development?
- Email careerservices@htu.edu to get in contact with Mr. Hatchett – Director of Career Services & Graduate Development.
What services will the Career & Graduate Development Center provide in this online environment?
- You can book a career coaching session with Mr. Hatchett online for free. Coaching includes various career readiness coaching sessions.
How can I get help with securing an internship?
- One of the most efficient ways is to create an account on HT’s Job board and look at all the various options present on that site. Once you identify an option that makes sense, book a career coaching session to talk about how we can make you a great candidate for those opportunities.
How will career and internship outreach continue?
- Here are three ways career and internship outreach will continue:
- Job and internship postings from our online job board will be continually sent to professors, staff, and faculty
- Virtual career workshops will be held through the end of the semester with employers still looking for candidates
- HT will work directly with employers to help place students in professional roles this summer
Counseling Center
How do I get in touch with the Counseling Center?
- Email counseling@htu.edu to get in contact with Ms. Hamilton – Director of Counseling and Consultation.
What services will the Counseling Center provide in this online environment?
- The Counseling Center will conduct counseling sessions via an online teletherapy platform. This platform allows students to have video sessions remotely using their device (cellphone, laptop, computer). To use the platform, the student needs Wi-Fi or a cellular connection. If a student does not have access to these devices or functions, sessions can be delivered by phone.
How can I make an appointment with for counseling?
- If you are a currently enrolled student, you may call 512.505.3046 or send an e-mail to counseling@htu.edu to schedule an appointment.
I used to receive counseling while on campus. Can I still receive this service now that I am home?
- The Counseling Center is working hard to secure the best teletherapy platform for students to receive counseling services. Students can expect to receive instruction via email on how to schedule a teletherapy appointment. Students are encouraged to visit resources provided by the Counseling Center including Emergency Mental Health contacts. Students in current distress are also encouraged to contact the Counseling Center directly by emailing counseling@htu.edu or by calling 512.505.3046
Disability Services
I am a student with a disability…how do I get help while at a distance?
- The Office of Disability Services is currently reviewing the new instructional platform, CANVAS, to better assess how well the system meets the needs of students with disabilities. ODS will contact students who receive accommodations after online instruction begins to continue ensuring that their needs are met. Students can contact Disability Services directly by emailing disabiltyservices@htu.edu or calling 512.505.3044
How do I get in touch with Disability Services?
- Email disabilityservices@htu.edu to get in contact with Mr. Houston – Coordinator of Disability Services.
What services will Disability Services provide in this online environment?
- In an online environment, Disability Services can provide students:
- Education & assistance regarding new distance-learning, especially help with CANVAS
- Be a liaison – work between students and faculty to ensure that the accommodations are given; helping both sides discuss
Emergency Financial Resources
What if I encounter an emergency that may jeopardize my academic success (i.e. broken laptop)?
- HT has funding that can assist students with challenges that may arise. Simply complete the HT Emergency Grant Application with these instructions, by clicking on the following link and send the required supporting documents as detailed on the application. Your application will be reviewed and a decision regarding your request will be available within 3-5 business days.
Instructional Technology
What is distance/online/remote learning?
- Distance education is a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction between students and instructors and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous (live) or asynchronous. A distance education course may use the internet; one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices; audio conferencing; or video cassettes, DVD’s, and CD-ROMs if used as part of the distance learning course or program. (SACSCOC)
- Per the Online Consortium, Online Courses are when all course activity is done online; there are no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no requirements for on-campus activity. Purely online courses totally eliminate geography as a factor in the relationship between the student and the institution. They consist entirely of online elements that facilitate the three critical student interactions: with content, the instructor, and other students.
How do I sign into Canvas?
- The link to sign into Canvas is available at the main university’s website (below Academics), and in the Quick Links module, once signed into MY.HTU. Visit the respective Instructional Technology section at the following site for helpful guides in how to sign in, and locate your course(s).
I signed into Canvas successfully, but do not see my course?
- If you are an instructor and cannot locate your course on the Canvas Dashboard, contact cait@htu.edu, providing the course ID, Section and Term.
- If you are a student, first ensure you are registered for the course by signing into MY.HTU. Understand instructors can set the visibility of courses (Publish) in Canvas. Reach out to your instructor via email to inquire on course availability in Canvas.
- For additional support, contact cait@htu.edu, or submit a ticket to the helpdesk@htu.edu.
What do I need to connect to Canvas, Zoom and Microsoft Teams? What are the minimum requirements to use these systems?
- The following site provides system and hardware requirements to use Canvas.
- The following site provides system and hardware requirements to use Zoom.
- The following site provides system and hardware requirements to use Microsoft Teams.
Can I connect to Canvas and Zoom from my mobile device?
- Yes. Both Canvas and Zoom can be accessed and operated from a mobile device. Learn more about the Canvas app. Visit your app store to down the Zoom app. Check with your mobile carrier if rates apply.
Can I schedule appointments with my Professor through Canvas, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams?
- Yes. Contact your instructor directly regarding updated course policies regarding communication procedures and how office hours and appointments will be facilitated at a distance.
How do I get help to learn the basics of online learning and/or be successful at learning at a distance?
- There are many training training tutorials and guides available to students. Also, students are encouraged to attend the new CANVAS SOS! Sessions. Faculty and instructors training tutorials are available as well.
What are tips to help me succeed at learning from a distance?
- When transitioning from traditional courses, to remote and online learning, Liz Joyce over at edX shared these mind-blowing Tips for Successful Online Learning–check them out!
- Dr. Saundra McGuire, world-renowned Meta-Cognition researcher also recommends the following 5-step approach to learning.
Now that I am home, I do not have internet connection? Are there any services that help pay for internet/WIFI?
Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon Offering Free Internet Service Due to Coronavirus
Access from AT&T: Now low-income Americans can get high-speed Internet service for just $5 per month
- Spectrum’s Student Remote Learning Internet Offer: Free for 60 days. Call 1-844-488-8398
- Charter Cable Services
- If data is available, try running your mobile device as a Hot Spot (check your device settings)
Library Services
What is the status of Downs-Jones Library?
- Downs-Jones Library and library staff are available online, but the facility is closed. Please see Library FAQ COVID19 Update for for more details here: https://htu.libguides.com/virtual
I have something checked out. How am I supposed to return it?
- Students Returning for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021:Please watch your @htu.edu email closely. All due dates are being extended until January 12th for students committing to returning virtually for the Fall 2020 semester and returning to campus for the Spring 2021 semester.
- Graduating Seniors and Nonreturning Students:Please watch your @htu.edu email closely. Librarians will contact you to create a custom shipping label for your items. You will be asked to package your book/s, DVD/s, or Chromebook securely and mail them back to the library. We will purchase shipping and email you the label, so there will be little cost to you. Please contact us through Chat with a Librarian or via email for more information or with any questions.
What do I do if I do not see an answer to my question above?
- Submit your question through the respective HT COVID-19 Hotline at ht_covid-19@htu.edu and you will receive a response within 48 hours.
Religious Life
How do I get in touch with Religious Life?
- Email rlcm@htu.edu to get in contact with Rev. Brewington –University Chaplain.
What services will Religious Life provide in this online environment?
- Religious Life will provide online Bible Study, Chapel, and words of encouragement. Sessions will be hosted live on Instagram and/or Facebook with recordings are uploaded to the RLCM YouTube page afterwards.
How can I receive individual spiritual guidance and encouragement from the Chaplain?
- Reach to our University Chaplain for pastoral counseling directly at 512.731.7927 or debrewington@htu.edu.
Residence Life
How do I get in touch with Residence Life?
- Email reslife@htu.edu to get in contact with Ms. Miller or Mr. Davis – Residence Hall Coordinators.
What services will Residence Life provide in this online environment?
- The Office of Residence Life offers and will continue to provide ongoing support to our residents. Through social media, Residence Life will host virtual study halls, Chat with the Coordinators Q and A, and Hall Meetings. Our goal is to make sure students are supported and connected in this season.
How do I sign up for summer housing? fall housing?
- Housing reservations for the 2020-2021 school year are currently open. You can reserve your housing online. Summer housing is still pending. Please continue to check your emails and monitor the Huston-Tillotson University website.
I am residential student and will I get refunded for my room and board?
- You will be issue a room and board credit to be applied towards your balance. Please continue to check your email for an individualized letter from our Business Office explaining your account balance.
Student Affairs
General Student Affairs, Dr. Ericka Jones & Piccola Dorsey – studentaffairs@htu.edu
How do I get in touch with The Division of Student Affairs?
- Please reach out to any one on the Student Affairs team via email. Department contact information is listed below for each area in Student Affairs. We will respond to you within 48 hours.
How do I schedule a meeting with Dean Jones?
- Email studentaffairs@htu.edu to request a meeting with Dean Jones and specify the reason for the request. Calendar invitations will be sent to confirm the scheduled meeting. All meetings will take place via phone or video conference call.
I have an issue with my professor/class- can the Dean help me?
- If you are having an issue with a class or professor, please reach out to your professor directly to resolve the issue. The next contact would be the Department Chair if the issue is not resolved. If the problem persists, email studentaffairs@htu.edu for support.