Information Literacy Classes
The Downs-Jones Library offers a variety of on-demand classes to meet the information literacy needs of Huston-Tillotson students and faculty. The information covered within each class can be tailored to meet the needs of specific groups, and faculty are encouraged to request multiple sessions for their classes.
Course Descriptions
Accessing and Utilizing eBooks and Audiobooks
- Offers a basic overview of how to search for and access eBooks using the library’s online collections
Basic Skills Reviews
- Provides a guide to library resources to help students strengthen their core skills in a variety of subject areas including math, reading, grammar, and science
Citing Sources: MLA or APA
- Covers why to cite information, how to paraphrase, and how to create MLA or APA in-text citations and bibliographies. This class covers one citation style per session.
Copyright and Fair Use
- Explains how to correctly use copyrighted information in and out of the classroom
Evaluating News Sources
- Considers ways to detect fake and unreliable news sources by emphasizing critical thinking and evaluation skills and being aware of common errors in judgment
Exploring Academic Research
- Distinguishes academic research from popular sources of information, and provides a guide to the library’s books and databases, as well as considering resources available on the open web. Highlights common errors in judgment and critical thinking, emphasizing supporting evidence and proper citation
Finding Books and Media
- Offers a basic overview of locating books and media in the Downs-Jones Library and beyond
Formatting Academic Reports and Papers
- Reviews common and useful formatting tricks on Microsoft Word, such as making a header and footer, double-spacing a document, adding a cover page, inserting a page break, creating a hanging indent for citations, using footnotes, and undoing formatting mistakes
Primary Sources
- Explains primary sources, provides examples, and discusses how to find and use them in scholarly work
Ready to Research (Introduction to the Library)
- Provides a basic overview of the library’s mission and services, and how to use the library’s resources
Test Preparation Resources
- Introduces students to test preparation resources for admissions exams available through the library’s databases. Resources are available for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MAT, and MCAT, as well as for occupational entrance exams
Custom Class (Create Your Own)
- Looking for a subject not listed here? Email us at library@htu.edu and the library staff will create a class that fits your needs.
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