Dr. Carlos Cervantes
Ph.D., The Ohio State University; Columbus, Ohio: 2009. Areas of Expertise: Adapted Physical Education; Physical Education Teacher Education; Health and Physical Activity Promotion.
M.A., The Ohio State University; Columbus, Ohio: 2005. Degree Area: Adapted Physical Education.
B.A., University of Puerto Rico; Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: 2003. Degree Area: Physical Education Teacher Education.
Dr. Carlos M. Cervantes joined HT as Chair of the Department of Kinesiology in the Fall of 2012. He earned his Ph.D. in Kinesiology from The Ohio State University. He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE), the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID), and the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD), among others.
Dr. Cervantes’s research interests include identifying underlying mechanisms affecting physical activity among individuals with disabilities; obesity health disparities, accessibility, and physical activity opportunities for individuals with disabilities; and professional preparation of pre-service teachers regarding teaching and including children with disabilities in physical education, sport, or recreational settings. He has presented his work at local, state, national, and international conferences.
At HT, Dr. Cervantes instructs undergraduate courses in kinesiology. His instructional effectiveness has been recognized by a number of awards and student evaluations. In his undergraduate courses, he includes service-learning experiences in school and community settings as well as infused use of instructional technologies.
Ortega Luna, I., Ortiz Hernandez, M., Cervantes Olivares, C., & Rodriguez Ibague, L. (2021). Accessibilidad al enterno fisico en instalaciones de acondicionamiento para personas con discapacidad fisica: Una revision integradora. Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 19(1), 1-21.
Cervantes, C., & Clark, L. (2020). Facilitating learning among ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse first-generation college students in physical education teacher education. In P. Mather (Ed), Technology-enhanced learning and linguistic diversity: Strategies and approaches to teaching students in a 2nd and 3rd language (pp. 153-168. Emerald Publishing.
Cervantes, C., & Hodge, S. (2019). Health disparities in men with disabilities and functional limitations. In Griffith, D., Bruce, M., & Thorpe, R. (Eds), Men’s health equity: A handbook (pp. 376-394). New York, NY: Routledge.
Cervantes, C., & Clark, L. (2019). Cultural humility in physical education teacher education: A missing piece in developing a new generation of socially just physical education teachers. Quest, 72(1), 51-71.
Columna, L., Hodge, S., Vigo-Valentin, A., Samalot-Rivera, A., & Cervantes, C. (2017). The Hispanic experience in physical education teacher education programs: A qualitative study. Quest, 70(2), 256-274. DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2017.1371048.
Cervantes, C., Davis, R., & Tymeson, G. (2015). Informing parents of the rights to participation in interscholastic athletics for children with disabilities. TAHPERD Journal, 83(2), 8-12.
Cervantes, C., & Meaney, K. (2013). Examining the scholarship of service-learning in physical education teacher education. Quest, 65(3), 1-22.
Cervantes, C., & Porretta, D. (2013). After-school programming on physical activity among adolescents with visual impairments. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 29, 127-146.
Cervantes, C., Lieberman, L., Magnesio, E., & Wood, J. (2013). Peer tutoring: Meeting the demands of inclusion in physical education today. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 84(3), 43-48. DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2013.767712
Mendez-Hodgkinson, N., & Cervantes, C. (2012). Morgan’s Wonderland: Inclusive recreation and leisure facilities for individuals with disabilities. Palaestra, 26(2), 23-27.
Hodge, S., Cervantes, C., Vigo-Valentín, A., Canabal-Torres, Y., & Ortiz-Castillo, E. (2012). The Hispanic experience in physical education teacher education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11(4), 363-384. DOI: 10.1177/1538192711435562
Cervantes, C., & Taylor, W. (2011). Physical activity interventions in adult populations with disability: A systematic review. Quest, 63(4), 385-410.
Cervantes, C., & Porretta, D. (2010). Physical activity measurement among individuals with disabilities: A literature review. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 27(3), 173-190.
Cervantes, C. (2010, November 8). Language matters: Talking about disability and person-first language. The University Star.
Siedentop, D., An, J., Ayvazo, S., Cervantes, C., Cohen, R., Collins, F., Gies, M., Hugo, J., Humeric, I., Lin, T., Ortiz-Castillo, E., Peng, Z., Ressler, J., Robinson, L. E., Samalot- Rivera, A., Stuhr, P., & Vigo, A. (2007). The Ohio project: Progress in preventing childhood/youth obesity– how do we measure up? The Ohio Collaborative: Research and Policy for Schools, Children, and Families: Columbus OH.
Cervantes, C., Cohen, R., Hersman, B., & Barrett, T. (2007). Incorporating PACER into an inclusive basketball unit. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance, 78(7), 45-50.
Hodge, S., Heydinger, B., & Cervantes-Olivares, C. (2005). Prioritization of PETE curricular requirements to better prepare GPE teachers for inclusion and teaching students with severe disabilities. Chronicle of Kinesiology & Physical Education in Higher Education, 15(3), 6-7.
Apple Community Education Initiative (CEC) Ambassador Class of 2023.
2019 University Physical Education Teacher of the Year, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (TAHPERD). Presented at the 96th TAHPERD Annual Convention Awards Dinner in Arlington, Texas.
2018 Exemplary Teacher of the Year Award, Huston-Tillotson University, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of Higher Education, The United Methodist Church.
2012 Emerging Professional Award, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (TAHPERD). Presented at the TAHPERD 89th Annual Convention Awards Dinner, Galveston, Texas.
2008 Teaching Excellence Award, Sports, Fitness, and Health Program, School of Physical Activity and Educational Services, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University.
2006 Teaching Excellence Award, Sports, Fitness, and Health Program, School of Physical Activity and Educational Services, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University.
UNIV 1101/1102 Freshman Seminar for Kinesiology Majors.
KINE 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology.
KINE 1304 Dimensions of Health and Wellness.
KINE 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness.
KINE 2301 Developmentally Appropriate Physical Activities.
KINE 2307 Kinesiology Practicum I.
KINE 3301 Motor Behavior.
KINE 3307 Kinesiology Practicum II.
KINE 3412 Adapted Physical Education.
KINE 4303 Theory and Methods of Teaching Physical Education.
KINE 4311 Special Topics in Kinesiology: Global Health and Physical Activity.
KINE 4401 Kinesiology Internship.
Click here to download Dr. Cervantes’ Curriculum Vitae.

Info |
Role: Chair of Kinesiology and Associate Professor of Kinesiology |
Phone: 512.505.6462 |
Email: cmcervantes@htu.edu |
Office: Evans 200 |