Media Resources
The Media and Technical Services provides media resources in accessible formats to the Huston-Tillotson University community, in support of the University’s curriculum and independent research by students and faculty.
Streaming media resources can be found online. The library’s DVD collection is currently shelved upstairs on the western wall of the library (facing Jackson-Moody), across from the Reference collection.
Questions about media resources? Contact the Media and Technical Services office by emailing library@htu.edu, or Chat with a Librarian for general questions.
Streaming Media
Video: The Downs-Jones Library currently subscribes to Academic Video Online. Visit the Collection Development page for more on database subscriptions.
The library is unable to purchase institutional subscriptions to popular streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, AppleTV, or HBOMax.
Audiobooks: Please visit our OverDrive collection to browse, borrow, and request audiobooks.
Physical Media
DVDs: Due to their increasing age and decreasing relevancy, the library’s legacy DVD collection is largely being deaccessioned. The library will continue to acquire DVDs upon request (see Acquisitions below), but does not expect to build a significant academic or leisure DVD collection for browsing and borrowing.
Existing DVDs can still be browsed and borrowed on the upstairs floor in the Downs-Jones Library, across from the Reference section. An HT ID card is required to check out DVDs.
African American History on VHS: The Downs-Jones Library retains a collection of videos about African American history, culture, biography, and performance on VHS tape. These items are not available for checkout due to their rarity and fragile condition. The library hopes to digitize and archive these titles within the limits of copyright law in a future project.
Course Reserves
To place a DVD on reserve at the Downs-Jones Library for students to watch, please visit the Circulation Desk, call 512.505.3053, or contact library@htu.edu
In response to the established trend towards streaming resources, the Downs-Jones Library is transitioning away from collecting physical media.
- Requests to purchase DVDs are accepted. Please email library@htu.edu.
- Requests to purchase streaming licenses for individual titles will be considered. Please email library@htu.edu.
- Please be aware of significant delays between requests and a title being available. These delays may extend to 3-4 months.
Media Projects
Huston-Tillotson Home Video: VHS Digitization
Status: ON HOLD
Hundreds of VHS tapes record Huston-Tillotson’s history through events, interviews, chapel services, promotional videos, performances, and more. These videos, many of unknown content, will be digitized, transferred to the University Archives’ online repository, and described so that the University’s history can be discovered and explored.
HT RAMS Media Archive: HT Events on DVD
Hundreds of DVDs record Huston-Tillotson’s history through events, interviews, chapel services, promotional videos, performances, and more. Visit the HT RAMS Media Archive page for more information, or search the collection using this spreadsheet. DVDs may be viewed in the library or borrowed to review or show elsewhere. Ask at the Circulation Desk for more information.
African American Music CD Collection
Status: ON HOLD
Discovered in a pair of locked cabinets, this uncatalogued, unprocessed collection consists of 400+ “radio cut” professional and amateur CDs of African American music. Where possible within the bounds of copyright law, the CDs will be digitized and their records preserved.
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