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Academic Calendar

Carver Science Club

In February 1930, George Washington Carver visited Tillotson College, at that time a women’s only institution, to speak to the student science club which was in its second year. Those budding scientists, called the Carver Science Club, heard Dr. Carver share, among other insights, a poem about the role of trailblazers in smoothing the way for those who followed their path. The yearbook noted a fond hope that his visit, in addition to infusing vigor into the student body, would spark the development of analytical minds.

With that  inspiration, Huston-Tillotson University introduced the Carver Science Club seminar series. We will feature a different topic and three speakers: two researchers and a community or campus innovator.  The format will feature a short scientific perspective on the topic of the month, followed by a social justice perspective, then a moderated dialogue between the two.







Carver Science Club