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Alternative Teacher Certification Program

ATCP Complaint & Grievance Process

Huston-Tillotson University

Alternative Teacher Certification Program Complaint & Grievance Process

Our ATCP team strives to resolve all concerns, questions and issues concerning the teacher preparation program. Please make every effort to follow the process below to seek your concerns. For initial concerns please contact the office of Educator of Preparation Program:

Dr. Debra Delley

Director of CACE (ADP, ATCP, & CE) 512-505-3071

Dr. Sarah Santillanes

Educator Preparation Program Chair


Please allow 48 hours Response Time

Below is information regarding the University’s Grievance Policy.

Grievance Policy


Complaint Procedure

A written complaint should be directed as soon as possible to the person or persons whose actions or inactions have given rise to the complaint. Every effort should be made to resolve the problem fairly and promptly at this level.


If the candidate is not able to resolve the complaint satisfactorily at this level, the candidate should meet with the candidate’s instructor and/or advisor. This may be a department chair, program coordinator, or director. After ten (10) working days and if a satisfactory solution is not found, the complaint will be reviewed by the department or unit head which may be a Dean or Vice President. If the complaint involves allegations of sexual harassment or unlawful discrimination, the Director of Human Resources should be consulted.

Grievance Procedure Step 1

A candidate who believes that he/she has not received fair treatment or who has a complaint about the performance, action, or inaction of a member of the faculty or staff, and believes he/she has not received appropriate redress through the complaint procedure within a reasonable period of time, must file a written statement of grievance (see Statement of Grievance, below) with the chair or the coordinator of the program in which the employee served at the time of the alleged action. Each grievance must be submitted in writing and only one subject matter should be covered in any one grievance. Formal grievance statements received by the chair, coordinator, or other University Representative designated by the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Candidate Affairs may be referred to a department or program level committee that recommends action to the chair or coordinator. The chair, coordinator, the designee, or the committee will investigate the allegations and reach a conclusion regarding the candidate’s contentions. The chair or coordinator has fifteen (15) working days to respond to the candidate after the conclusion of the investigation. If either the candidate or the person against whom the grievance was filed disagrees with the chair’s or the


coordinator’s findings and recommendations, that person may appeal under the procedures outlined in Step Two.

Step 2


If the candidate or person against whom the grievance was filed is not satisfied with the results of Step One, or if the grievance is against the chair of a department or coordinator of a program, the candidate must next transmit the written statement of grievance to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Candidate Affairs or his/her designee. The Provost and Vice President for Academic and Candidate Affairs or his/her designee will refer the grievance to a committee established at the University or senior administration level. Such a committee should consist of a cross-section of the University community and include faculty, staff, and candidate representatives.


Step 3

If a candidate is not satisfied with the results of Step Two, or if the grievance is against a senior administrator, the candidate may file a written statement of grievance with the University Candidate Grievance Committee. The University Candidate Grievance Committee consists of candidate, faculty, and staff representatives appointed at the beginning of the academic year. Candidate representatives are appointed by the Candidate Government Association President while faculty and staff representatives are appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Candidate Affairs. If the grievance involves the teaching responsibility of such an administrator, steps one and two cannot be bypassed.

Step 4


If an individual (candidate, faculty, staff, or other interested party) or individuals wish to claim wrongdoing or deficiency on the part of the University, a complaint may be filed directly with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The Commission’s address is 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, and the telephone number is 404.679.4500. Alternatively, the website for the SACSCOC complaint process is Additionally, candidates may also file a complaint with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Board’s address is 1200 E. Anderson Lane, Austin, Texas 78752, and the telephone number is 512.427.6101. For additional information regarding the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, please visit their website: for more information regarding the THECB complaint process please visit: 9CCE-40FA9F46F2CD3C9D


After the candidate has exhausted all attempts at the program level to resolve a complaint that occurred within the past two years and has not received the relief sought, information on how to file a complaint with TEA can be secured from the EPP by information posted at their physical facility, on their website or, upon request, directions in writing.

The official TEA complaint process can be found at in the banner located at the

bottom of the page and then select “Educator Preparation Programs”.


Statement of Grievance

The statement of grievance is a clear, simple statement of fact according to the candidate’s understanding of what happened. It should provide enough information to give the committee a complete understanding of the situation from the candidate’s perspective. The Provost and Vice President for Academic and Candidate Affairs has staff to help candidates understand the details of the Candidate Complaint and Grievance Policy and should be called on for assistance. Complaint and Grievance Complaint and Grievance Policy and should be called on for assistance. The Provost and Vice President for Candidate Affairs Office is in Anthony and Louise Viaer – Alumni Hall, second floor. The telephone number is 512.505.3012.