Academic Advising
Content from the document sent over by Linda:
Here I would like to list the HT Advising Syllabus that I am currently drafting. Possibly it could be a link that they can click on or a PDF form – whatever is easier. See draft syllabus now:
Objectives for Academic Advising
- To support your efforts in reaching your academic degree or objectives.
- To provide you with information and support that will enable you to transfer to another institution.
- To encourage your involvement in on-campus, co-curricular experiences that will increase the value of your college experience and develop your interpersonal skills and leadership abilities.
- To promote your involvement in off-campus, experiential learning (i.e., volunteer services and internships) to help you explore and clarify your career options.
- To help you “connect” your college experience with your plans and goals for life after college.
- To be a mentor to you by providing you with support and advocacy.
- To assist you in finding the campus professionals who can best help you succeed academically and personally.
Your Role as an Advisee
In order for the advising relationship to be successful, you must do your part and assume responsibility for your decisions. Your time spent preparing before the advising appointment will enable your adviser to be more effective in focusing on the important issues and answering your questions. In particular, you can help by doing the following:
- Keep the advising appointments you have scheduled.
- Be prepared for your appointments. You may need to do some homework. Your advisor cannot do everything for you. A true advisor is someone who gives useful advice to you – which you, in turn, use to make final decisions for yourself.
- Be honest and open. If you are unhappy about something in your academic advising experience, of if you are having a personal problem that is interfering with your studies, please do not be afraid to share this with your adviser.
My Role as an Advisor
I see advising and teaching as closely related. In the process of reaching decisions about your future, you will also belearning a considerable amount about yourself, improving your goal-setting, clarifying your values, and developing your critical thinking and decision-making skills. This knowledge will enable you to make decisions about your future that will improve the quality of your personal and professional life. I will serve as your guide through this process.
As we learn about each other, we will build a mutual rapport and trust. I will help you Discover your strengths, skills and abilities to make the most out of your college experience. If you are undecided about a major or career, I can help you identify your options and make referrals to people who can help match your personal interests, values, and abilities with your choices. I will encourage you to Dream about your hopes for the future (e.g., academic success, major, career). If you already know your major and/or career, I will help you confirm your choice—to make sure it is a decision that is best for you and co-create a Design (e.g., course load, co-curricular activities) to make your dreams come true. I will support you as your work to Deliver your plan. Finally, I will encourage you to celebrate your successes while challenging you not to be satisfied until achieving your full potential.
I will be a good listener. If you have an issue I cannot address, I will connect you with someone who is more qualified to help.