Expunction Panel To Be Held At HT
The Huston-Tillotson Center for Justice Equity (HT CJE) will host an Expunction Panel discussion on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 from 2:30 -4 p.m. in the King-Seabrook Chapel. The event is free and open to the public, and HT students are encouraged to attend.
Panelists to include:
- Betty Blackwell, Criminal Defense Lawyer
- Rickey Jones, District Attorney’s Office
- Ruben Baeza, County Attorney’s Office
Just because a case is dismissed by a judge does not automatically mean it is removed from the official record. It can have long-term ramifications that can affect a person’s ability to gain future employment, housing, or more. This discussion will help individuals know what their rights are and what key steps are needed to get eligible offences cleared from their records.
The Huston-Tillotson Center for Justice Equity (HT CJE) is an institute dedicated to justice reform based on quality research, informed by citizens legal education with community engagement, and strengthened by dynamic activities programming that inspires justice equity.
The Center for Justice Equality is partly a think tank and partly a policy advocacy institute created to pursue six goals:
- Produce quality research involving the challenges of equal justice for all using interdisciplinary teams.
- Promote legal education for students and members of the community enabling them to understand more clearly how our legal system works.
- Promote the use of simulations involving mock trials and moot courts as effective teaching and learning tools.
- Develop a Diversity Pipeline program with a focus on legal education for students in elementary and secondary schools, and for undergraduates in colleges and universities.
- Strengthen Community Engagement by providing space, resources, knowledge experts, and technical support for institute’s program activities.
- Disseminate research results and instructional materials in support of the educational, research, and community engagement functions of the institute.