Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
The curriculum of the Psychology program is tailored to meet the needs of adult learners interested in advancing within the mental health counseling and social work fields. Psychology is a relevant field of study for many professions including social work, counseling, education, public health, business, law, and criminal justice. Students with degrees in psychology often go on to graduate study in counseling, criminal justice, educational psychology, public health, and social work.
Total BAPSY Credit Requirement = 120 Credits
BAPSY Curriculum =58 Credits/80 weeks
General Education Curriculum = 40 Credits
Elective/Transfer Curriculum = 22 Credits
To be considered for enrollment into the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology cohort, an applicant must show an ability to benefit from college-level, upper division studies as demonstrated by:
• 50 transferable semester hours completed at a college or university with regional, national, professional, or specialized accreditation, or with candidacy status as documented via official transcripts.
– If needed to meet admission credit requirements, CLEP/PEP/DANTES transcripts, Joint Service Transcrips (JST), a DD214 or DD295, and CCRS (formerly ACE/PONSI) transcripts are required.
– There is no age limit to the transfer credits. All relevant coursework will be transferred within the guidelines of the program.
• Overall college transfer grade-point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
• One year of full-time work experience.
General Admission Requirements
A student seeking to earn the bachelor’s degree must complete the required cohort of study as prescribed in the program. In cases where comparable courses have been completed within the last five years, a student may request a course transfer for a maximum of two courses. The request to transfer courses within the cohort of study must be made in writing prior to beginning the bachelor’s degree program. The individual student’s schedule and financial aid package must be factored in to the approval process for transferred coursework within the cohort of study.
Applicants may be considered for admission as further defined in the Admission Policies and Transfer of Credit Agreement.
Graduation Requirements
To be eligible for the BAPSY degree, students must have met the following requirements:
• Complete all courses in the criminal justice major with a grade of “C” or higher.
• Fulfill all required general education credits as described herein.
• Earn a minimum of 120 credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
• Payment of all tuition and fees.
Note: Each course meets once weekly for four hours. Total weekly study time expected of the learner outside of class sessions is approximately 20 hours.
PSYC 3313 | Professional Development
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is designed to facilitate team-building as well as the process of adapting to the academic environment. Emphasis will be placed on group interaction, understanding and appreciating the views of others, and personal growth. In addition, students will be introduced to available resources such as the library and Internet tools which will be critical to their success in the
academic setting.
PSYC 1301 | Introduction to Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This is a general survey of the field of psychology with specific coverage of the use of the scientific method in increasing knowledge about psychology, biological explanations of human behavior and the different basic theoretical perspectives on the description and explanation of human behavior, such as behaviorism, psychoanalysis, cognitive, and humanistic
psychology. This course is an eclectic and multicultural approach attempting to understand people through a dynamic interaction of biological, psychological, socio-cultural, and historical factors,
and balancing principles and contemporary applications of psychology. This is a fundamental course to prepare students for more advanced study in the social sciences.
PSYC 2302 | Human Growth and Development
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course examines physical, cognitive, emotional, language, social, and moral development throughout the entire lifespan of humans, including conception, prenatal, infancy, childhood,
adolescence, and adulthood within a socio-cultural environmental perspective; and psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive theories of development.
PSYC 2308 | Special Topics in Psychology: Health Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a survey of the interplay of psychology with the social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and biological factors that impact health and illness. The role of stress in illness, coping with chronic illness, pain, and the role of behavior in health and disease will be examined sociology-demographic and contextual factors, including culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, religion, sex identification, gender, lifestyle etc., will also be examined.
PSYC 3300 | Learning and Memory
(3 credits/5 weeks)
After covering in detail classical and operant conditioning, this course will address other models of learning (i.e., cognitive learning, social learning). Modern models of memory are addressed, including short-term and long-term memory, and depth of processing models
PSYC 3309 | Personality
(3 credits/5 weeks)
The course explores the major current and historical theoretical approaches (psychodynamic, trait, behaviorism, and humanism) to the study of the different characteristic patterns of behaving, thinking, and feeling that exist across individuals; the variety of tests and inventories used to assess personality; and their contemporary application.
PSYC 3314 | Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a systematic analysis of the major theoretical perspectives in psychology on behavior, e.g., behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, motivational, and psychodynamic
PSYC 3317 | Perception and Cognition
(3 credits/5 weeks)
The focus of this course is how humans take in and process information about the world around them. It addresses cognitive
styles, patterns of thinking, neutral bases of thought, and current models of cognitive processing.
PSYC 3320 | Educational Psychology and Measurements
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a study of the application of scientific knowledge about individual differences, personality development, and the process of learning, to the problems of teaching and learning. The
course includes the examination of measurement and evaluation of student achievement using standardized tests and informal assessment procedures.
PSYC 3328 Adolescent Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a detailed study of the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of adolescents.
PSYC 4316 | Abnormal Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course covers historical and current approaches to mental abnormality and how psychologists use these approaches to diagnose and treat patients. The schizophrenias, mood, anxiety,
somatoform, dissociative, personality, and sexual and gender disorders, and the different models of psychotherapy are examined.
PSYC 2313 | Social Science Statistics I
(3 credits/6 weeks)
This course introduces concepts and methods used in social science statistics and helps students learn how to use statistical tools wisely.
PSYC 3329 |Methods in Social Research
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course presents the application of scientific methods of investigation in the social and behavioral sciences.
PSYC 4308 | Counseling Theory and Application
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course covers counseling theory and how it is applied, including the different models of psychotherapy
PSYC 2308 | Special Topics in Psychology: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a survey of the application of psychological theory and research (in areas such as psychometrics, social psychology, and personality psychology) to understanding and enhancing the effectiveness of people at work and the operations of organizations.
PSYC 4327| Seminar – Capstone
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This is a capstone course that provides students with a comprehensive review of the discipline of psychology, including the development of a thesis project that demonstrates their accomplishments. A comprehensive exam over the field of psychology will be given as 70% of the final grade for the course.