International Alumni Association
The International Alumni Association is the governing body of Huston-Tillotson University’s alumni chapters. The current officers are listed in the table below. Click here to download a membership form.
Office | Name | Address/Telephone | GraduatingClass | |
Alumni Board of Trustees Representative | Kathryn S. Page | 5116 Woodsboro Lane Dallas, TX 75241 214.376.0835 |
kspage@sbcglobal.net | 1961 |
Corresponding Secretary | China O’Bryant | P.O. Box 841162 Pearland, TX 77584 281.706.7636 |
china1908@hotamil.com | 1999 |
Financial Secretary | Tracee M. Fletcher | P. O. Box 841162 Pearland, Texas 77584 713.202.9322 |
ms_delta@hotmail.com | 1996 |
Historian | Andrea Mosie | 4939 Lingonberry Street Houston, TX 77033 713.738.0631 |
andres.mosie@yahoo.com | 1975 |
Immediate Past President | John D. Mays | 12410 Jarrod Lee Cove Austin, TX 78724 214.755.0962 (cell) |
johnmaystx@yahoo.com | 1972 |
President | Thomas McDowell |
13113 Rochester Lane |
tmcdowello@austin.rr.com | 1982 |
President Elect | Louie Carrington | 3903 Wichita Street Houston, TX 77004 713.529.7785 |
louie@louiecarrington.com | 1971 |
Recording Secretary | Jennifer Jones | 16531 Lonesome Quail Missouri City,TX 77489 713. 419.6636 |
jjones7777@sbcglobal.net | 1971 |
Assistant Secretary | Valerie Haywood | 2910 Overland Trial Dickinson, TX 77539 512.497.6658 |
val_boudreaux@hotmail.com | 1974 |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Carolyn Thompson | 7203 Oakwood Glen Blvd., #905 Spring ,TX 77379 832.396.6096 |
carolynthompson58@sbcglobal.net | 1981 |
Treasurer | Gaynell Carrington-Brown | P.O. Box 841162 Pearland, TX 77584 713.825.1548 |
gcarringtonbrown@yahoo.com | 1994 |
Vice President | Angela Fazarro | 326 Regal Dr. Allen, Tx 75002 936.689.7696 | afazarro@hotmail.com | 1990 |