In Union, Strength: the HT Ideation Summit
Thank you for making the first In Union, Strength: the HT Ideation Summit a success!
The day-long conference was held on the campus of Huston-Tillotson University on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, bringing together campus faculty, staff and students and community stakeholders to ideate the development of a collaborative framework.
Additionally, this Summit was an opportunity to hear where various business and industry leaders see their sectors going in the next 10-15 years, discuss what skills and abilities are needed for their workforce moving forward, discuss what educational programs look like over this time frame, prioritize our goals, and determine what resources are needed to meet future objectives.
We thank you for you participation in this day to ideate, envision, and transform Austin’s oldest institution of higher learning and only HBCU.
Please provide your feedback on the event!
Event Recap
Ideation Summit Campus Locations