Bachelor of Arts in Education
The Bachelor of Arts in Education offers a flexible path to becoming a Texas Certified Teacher while earning your degree. Students admitted to the program receive rigorous instruction in research-based best practices for teaching elementary Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Health/PE. No prior degrees or certifications required to enroll!
Total BAED Credit Hours Requirement: 120 Credits
BAED Curriculum: 60 Credits/94 weeks
General Education Curriculum: 52 Credits
Elective/Transfer Curriculum: 8 Credits
Admission Requirements
To be considered for enrollment into the Bachelor of Arts in Education with a Texas Teacher Certification program, an applicant must apply with the following:
•60 transferable semester hours completed at an accredited college or university, or institutions that are on track to become accredited.
○Applicants with less than 60 transferable semester hours must meet additional requirements,including submitting any transcripts and exam scores.
○No more than two identical program courses can be transferred in from another school.
•One year of full-time work experience.
Educator Preparation Program Admission
• Submit an Educator Preparation Application for Admission.
○ After the application is reviewed, qualified students will be contacted for an interview.
○ The interview(s) will be scheduled and conducted not more than two work weeks from the time an admission file is complete.
• Three professional recommendation forms from an employer, coworker, or civic leader.
• Overall college transfer grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
• Students who speak English as a second language (ESL) must take one of the following exams to show proficiency in the English language:
○ Paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
▪Must earn a score of 500 or higher
○ Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
▪Must earn a score of 61 or higher
○ Applicants who graduated from a U.S. high school or earned at least 6 credits at a U.S. college with a passing grade point average may be exempt from these exams.
Applicants may be considered for admission as further defined in the Admission Policies and Transfer of Credit Agreement.
Graduation Requirements
•Complete all courses in the education major with a grade of “C” or better.
•Fulfill all required general education credits.
•Earn a minimum of 120 credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
•Payment of all tuition and fees.
In addition to these courses, all education students will complete 30 field based experiences (classroom observation hours) as well as hands-on student teaching as part of their program.
ENGL 2306 | Literature for Children and Adolescents
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a survey of literature appropriate for younger readers designed to prepare prospective educators. Assignments encourage an appreciation of the importance of creative writing for children and adolescents.
EDUC 3311 | Creative Arts: Music, Art, and Theater
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is a methods course which utilizes learning styles and brain research to increase student engagement through the use of active learning with hands-on experiences incorporating the arts and movement in teaching and learning. Practical applications in the integration of art, theatre, music, and movement activities for the elementary classroom will be explored and practiced.
MATH 1350 | Fundamental Concepts of Math for Elementary Education I
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This mathematics course covers the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) objectives and the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) competencies for grades EC-6. Emphasis will be placed on standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Topics include numeration systems, number systems, non-decimal number bases, algorithms, measurement, whole number algorithms, number theory, fractions, decimals and percentages. These topics include computer solutions to many problems using student-designed programs and provided programs; real vector spaces, sub-spaces, bases, dimensions of vector spaces, and spanning sets; eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and linear transformations.
Pre-requisite: MATH 131
EDUC 3301 |Instruction for English Language Learners
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course examines the rationale, history, and philosophy of bilingual and ESL education and develops students’ understanding of the cultural and psychological influences that mediate the learning process. Emphasis will include techniques and methods of instruction, lesson planning with instructional modifications, and instructional strategies.
EDUC 3303| Instruction in a Multicultural Society
(3 credits/5 weeks)
Prospective teachers will develop curriculum and lesson plans, prepare a parent involvement plan, apply concepts of child development and differentiated instruction, and acquire knowledge of principles of classroom discipline and management through effective delivery systems. Topics include models of instruction, questioning strategies, planning for diverse student populations, and integrating technology into instruction.
EDUC 3305 | Design and Application of the EC-6 Curriculum
(3 credits/5 weeks)
Course focuses on design and application of curricula including content, instructional methodologies, and assessment. Foundational theories of human development and learning will be used as students focus on the organization of content, instructional strategies, classroom and assessment.
SEDL 3314 | Behavioral Management of Exceptional Learners
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course focuses on behavior management strategies and techniques to prevent, alter, improve, and maintain social, emotional, and academic behaviors of exceptional learners.
Special emphasis on environmental engineering, positive behavior supports, functional behavioral analysis, behavior modification techniques, and appropriate referral services are included.
RDNG 3311 | Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction EC-6
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course provides primary teachers with foundational knowledge and strategies for understanding and promoting literacy development in young children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Emphasis is on beginning reading instruction, diagnosis, and assessment; the reading standards for primary level; and the Language Arts TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). Teacher candidates will acquire appropriate methods to assess and teach phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, decoding, word analysis, fluency, and reading comprehension. Materials will be created to reinforce literacy development.
EDUC 3363| Social Studies for Teachers Grades K-8
(3 credits/5 weeks)
Designed specifically for teachers of young and middle-school children, this course focuses on planning, organizing, and effectively delivering instruction based upon the Social Studies Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Social Studies content areas emphasized are history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, and culture. Discussions include the social and environmental consequences of scientific discovery and technological innovations.
RDNG 3321 | Language Arts Across the Curriculum
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course prepares the EC-6 teacher with understandings of the spiraling objectives in the Language Arts TEKS and how these skills and concepts can be interwoven to reinforceinstruction and learning in all subject areas. Emphasis is placed on strategies to nurture research explorations, creative expression, and critical thinking through writing, reading, speaking, and listening experiences. MATH 1351Fundamental Concepts of Math for Elementary Education II (3 credits/5 weeks)This mathematics course covers TEKS objectives and TExEs competencies for grades EC-6. Emphasis will be placed on standards of the NCTM. Topics include rational numbers, real numbers, functions, graphs, statistics, probability, geometric shapes, measurement, geometry using congruence and similarity, coordinate geometry, and geometry using transformations. Technology, including computers and graphing calculators, will be used throughout the course. Prerequisite: MATH 1350.
BIOL 3301 | Science Knowledge and Skills in Elementary Schools
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course focuses on the concepts and skills needed to teach science in elementary school. Topics addressed include the knowledge and skills from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) – the curriculum of Texas public schools. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate and practice the pedagogy that they experience.
EDUC 4302 | Classroom Management and Learning Environments
(3 credits/6 weeks)
This course will focus on classroom management theories and models. Personal philosophy, beliefs, and teaching style will be examined as they relate to the various methods of classroom management, student discipline, and teacher-student relationships. Each teacher candidate will design a classroom management system, rules, and procedures that support a positive learning environment. Candidates will learn to recognize students with mental health issues and what interventions may be required.
EDUC 4306 | Assessment and Differentiation of Instruction
(3 credits/6 weeks)
Candidates will understand the integration of assessment and instruction. Topics include formal and informal assessments, diagnosing learning needs, alternative assessment, holistic grading, and rubrics. Students plan lessons, prepare materials, demonstrate methods, determine assessment techniques, and strategize modifications that support and enrich state-mandated curriculum.
RDNG 4322 | Diagnostic and Corrective Reading
(3 credits/5 weeks)
This course is required for EC-6 teacher candidates. Students learn to administer both formal and informal diagnostic reading assessments. Using data, students design, implement, and monitor instruction focused on an individual child’s needs. Interventions include direct instruction and use of games, manipulatives, and technology-supported instruction. Students explore commercial materials and compare a variety of reading programs.
EDUC 3365 |K-12 Content Knowledge & Skills with Certification Exam Preparation
(3 credits/6 weeks)
Prospective teachers will understand the scope and sequence of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculumin their respective subject areas. Students correlate TEKS to STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) and to standards in the state subject certification tests as well as the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards. Six hours of TExES certification test preparation is provided.
Co-requisite: EDUC 4307.
EDUC 4907 |Student Teaching Field Experience
(9 credits/12 weeks)
In this capstone course, the teacher candidate will practice instructional competency under the supervision of a classroom teacher five days per week, all day, for one semester in a Texas Education Agency-accredited school setting. As a professional practitioner, the candidate will demonstrate effective assessment, planning, implementation, and critical reflection. In addition, the candidate will participate in a weekly one-hour seminar.
Co-requisite: EDUC 4307
EDUC 4307 | Student Teaching Seminar
(3 credits/12 weeks)
This course meets on the HT campus once a week and must be taken concurrently with the student teaching field experience course. Students discuss strategies for success and issues of concern related to the student teaching experience. Professional development activities include instructional seminars, guest speakers, resume and interview preparation.
Co-requisite: EDUC 4907.