Clinical Teachers
Fall 2020
Dear HT Clinical Teachers:
You are about to enter the final and most important stage of your professional preparation to become tomorrow’s teachers—the Clinical Teaching experience. This year will be marked by challenges, peaks and valleys, and exciting moments of connection with students in the acquisition of knowledge. Approach this time with a spirit of determination to fulfill your calling as teachers. It is the young we seek to educate, and in so doing, continue to learn ourselves. This handbook will guide you through your Clinical Teaching semester(s). In its pages, you will learn how you may approach this experience, what is expected of you as a student teacher, the help and guidance that will come your way, and how you will be evaluated. We recommend that you place this document in a binder, “Clinical Teaching Handbook,” and take it with you to your assigned classroom every day. Similar handbooks provide information for your Cooperating Teacher and field supervisor. Each one of these individuals will play a key role in your success during this exciting field experience semester. It is with joy and enthusiasm that we send you out into the school world. We have done our best to prepare you for this time. Your assigned field supervisor will visit your school periodically, and we look forward to hearing about your experiences in the field. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance to you.
Best regards,
Clinical Teacher Handbook-Fall 2020
2020_ClinicalTeacher Handbook Spring
Clinical Teachers Code of Ethics
Clinical Teacher Code of Ethics
Clinical Teacher Request and Checklist
Clinical Teacher Request and Checklist