AuSPREP: Austin STEM Pre-freshman Enrichment Program
To register, scan QRC on the above flyer or visit 2024 AusPREP Application
Registration forms and/or inquiries can be directed to ausprep@htu.edu
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About the Pre-Algebra Academy
The Pre-Algebra Academy offers 5th-8th grade students the opportunity to hone their math skills in preparation for their Algebra classes.
Students will receive instruction and practice concepts in higher math and pre-algebra. Topics include integers, fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percentages averages, substituting values, setting up equations, polynomial basics and factoring, linear equations, and exponents. The curriculum uses operations that will be useful both in real-life situations and in algebra classes.
Lunch is included. The program is free but application and registration is required.
Questions? Please contact Anthony Fairley afairley@htu.edu
About the Apple Coding Camp
Engineer your child’s future by building college and career readiness technology skills Huston-Tillotson University HBCU C2 Summer Camp!
Huston-Tillotson’s HBCU C2 Summer Camp is a week-long program of intensive STEM activities and engineering design challenges for both middle and high school students. In partnership with Apple™, the Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation at Huston-Tillotson provides college-level instruction in coding and app design fundamentals, equipping students with the tools they need to prepare for their next educational and career steps.
Click this link to learn more about Huston-Tillotson’s Apple™ Community Education Programs.
In collaboration with Austin’s Pre-Engineering Program (AusPREP), the HBCU C2 Summer Coding Camp is scheduled for June 10th – 14th on the campus of Huston-Tillotson University. Sessions include a hands-on curriculum that allows students to employ technical, scientific, and analytical concepts to solve real-world problems rooted in Environmental and Sustainability efforts.
Learn about Huston-Tillotson’s HBCU C2 Summer Coding Camp at this site, including workshop levels, coding curriculum and software, and learning objectives.
Questions? Contact Dr. Jennifer Miles, Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation Director at 512.505.3100 or cait@htu.edu
About the Green Heroes Academy
The Green Heroes Academy is a hands-on, interactive exploration of what it takes to protect the planet aimed at middle school students.
Students will learn about ecology, energy, plant and animal science, and the best ways to safeguard human health and our natural environment. Activities include chemistry, sustainable design, water filtration, biometrics, field biology, and more! Each student will develop a green hero identity and bring it to life in a final sustainable fashion showcase and presentation held the last day of the camp. Guest presentations will focus on real world research projects and career discussions. All content is developed and taught by HT instructors and facilitated by HT undergraduate teaching interns.
Lunch is included. The program fee, due upon acceptance, is $25 for the week.
Questions? Please Contact Dr. Rosa Mino at ausprep@htu.edu
About the Climate Action Camp
The Climate Action Camp will immerse 9th to 12th-grade students in science, technology, engineering, and math scenarios so they can learn what it means to be a STEM professional. This one-week, full-day camp provides more than 35 hours of curricula dedicated to different STEM fields, with project-based learning, and active inquiry.
The Climate Action Camp is offered in partnership with the Science Mill. The Science Mill’s mission is to give all kids the confidence, tools, and support to reach their full potential as a skilled member in a future 21st century STEM workforce.
Lunch is included. The program fee, due upon acceptance, is $25 for the week.
Questions? Please Contact Dr. Amanda Masino at ammasino@htu.edu
Prior Year Information
AusPREP Online 2020 Newsletters // AusPREP Online 2020 Boletines
We sent out weekly newsletters with updates on the virtual summer program held in 2020, including information about the weekly lesson modules, introducing the instructor of the week, features resources to extend learning and enrichment beyond AusPREP Online. Access the newsletters here.
Featured Resources
We are happy to connect participants to high-quality STEM resources available from outside sources that will extend learning and enrichment throughout the year.
Access the list of resources here.
About Austin STEM Pre-freshman Enrichment Program (AuSPREP)
Austin STEM Pre-freshman Enrichment Program (AuSPREP) at Huston-Tillotson University originated as one of the Texas Pre-freshman Engineering Programs (TexPREP) located on college campuses in Texas. PREP was founded to identify high achieving middle and high school students with the potential and interest in becoming scientists and engineers and to reinforce them in the pursuit of these fields. TexPREP began in 1979 at the University of Texas at San Antonio under the leadership of Dr. Manuel Berriozabal and has been recognized nationally for preparing students for college engineering and science studies.
AusPREP will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, color, age, handicap, or national origin in selecting students for participation nor in the administration of this project. AuSPREP strongly encourages women and students from groups who have been traditionally underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields to apply for participation.