Routine Testing FAQ
Who is required to be part of routine testing?
ALL unvaccinated or partially vaccinated students, faculty, and staff are required to participate in routine testing. All student athletes are required to participate, regardless of vaccination status.
How often do I need to get tested?
You need to get a PCR-based test every 7 days, and you must report your test results to the HT Ram Check App to be cleared for campus.
What type of test do I need to take?
We are only accepting PCR-based tests. Please get tested with sufficient time for the results to come back since these test results can take a few days to come back. We are NOT accepting Rapid/Antigen tests.
How do I upload my results to the HT Ram Check App?
On the HT Ram Check home page, open the COVID-19 Test Reporting section. Answer the questions in the form and upload a picture of your test results. For the result to be confirmed, the uploaded image must include: 1) your name, 2) test type, 3) test date, and 4) result. All test results are confirmed before you are cleared for campus.
Can I opt out of routine testing?
Yes, you can once you are considered FULLY vaccinated. This is the only way to opt out of routine testing. You are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after your second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and 2 weeks after your single dose of the Janssen (Johnson and Jonhson) vaccine. A vaccine exemption does not exempt an individual from routine testing.
What is the testing requirement for student athletes?
Student athletes are required to be tested weekly regardless of vaccination status. This protocol was developed in collaboration with HT Athletics. Athletics staff will confirm that all student athletes test weekly.
What should I do if I test positive?
IMMEDIATELY isolate and report your test result to the Safe and Healthy Rams coordinator. Report the positive test result through the HT Ram Check app and by email to safehealthyrams@htu.edu. If you live in the residence halls, please stay in your room and the hall coordinators will provide you with specific instructions on where to isolate.
Where can I get more information?
More information about the HT Reactivation Plan can be found at htu.edu/safeandhealthyrams and the Safe & Healthy Rams Coordinator can be reached at safehealthyrams@htu.edu and 512.505.3019.