Veteran’s Career Fair Scheduled at HT
Thursday Jun, 13 2013
(AUSTIN, Texas) 6.13.13 — Huston-Tillotson University (HT) representatives announce a Veteran’s Career Fair on Wednesday, July 24, 2013, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held on the HT campus in the Davage-Durden Student Union, located at 900 Chicon Street.
The Career Fair will connect veterans seeking employment with employers interested in hiring those with the skills acquired while in the military. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics records that the veteran unemployment rate in Austin hovers around 7% while the rate for the general population is at 5%, according to local sources. The Career Fair combined with the educational option provides choices for veterans looking to re-enter the workforce.
HT’s Adult Degree Program (ADP) is designed for adults to secure the Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration or Criminal Justice. The business administration degree delivers a course of study preparing competent business professionals to meet the challenges of an interdependent world with students making an immediate contribution to the business environment. Within the four-year interdisciplinary criminal justice program, students will receive the tools necessary for critical knowledge, communication, personal growth, and real-world application opportunities. Financial aid is also available to those who qualify. Classes are offered once a week with a weekly learning team concept.
For more information, call Carley E. Leasure, ADP, Director of Corporate Development, at 512.505.6456, carley.leasure@adp.htu.edu, or visit https://htu.edu/enrollment/adultdegrees.