Texas HBCU Conference Returns to Huston-Tillotson University for Second Year
Thursday Mar, 30 2023
AUSTIN, Texas – This Friday and Saturday (March 31 – April 1), Huston-Tillotson University (HT) will host the 2nd Annual Texas HBCU Conference. This historic event brings Texas HBCUs together with supporters and lawmakers at the state capital to celebrate achievements and chart a path forward. This year’s conference theme is “Democracy Schools, Civic Capacity Building, and the HBCU!”
Conference participants will explore the idea of democracy schools over the conference’s two days – through panels, workshops, speakers, events, and more. “We are inviting our state lawmakers at the Texas Capital to be part of the conference as well to continue the conversation started during the HBCU Conference’s inaugural year, regarding the need to adequately fund Texas HBCUs both public and private in manner commensurate with the role the Texas HBCU plays in building a shared Texas future,” shares Conference Organizer and Associate Professor of Political Science at HT, Dr. Robert Ceresa.
During this year’s conference, key stakeholders will seek to raise questions about the challenges of a democratic society rooted in civic capacity and community institutions via posing such questions as (1) What are the requisite supports in institutions and the political economy; and (2) What does the current political culture look like and how do we get there?
Conference registration is available to HT Students, Faculty, Staff, Administration, and members of the community. To register for the 2nd Annual HBCU Conference, please visit here, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/texas-hbcu-conference-year-two-democracy-schools-huston-tillotson-univ-tickets-479515241997. Additional information about the conference can be found here, https://htu.edu/txhbcuconference. For questions about this year’s HBCU Conference, please reach out to Dr. Robert Ceresa directly, rmceresa@htu.edu; 512.505.6471.
About Huston-Tillotson University
Huston-Tillotson University, the oldest institution of learning in Austin, Texas, has roots dating back to 1875. HT is an independent, church-related, historically black, four-year liberal arts institution located on a 23-acre tree-lined campus near downtown in East Austin. Huston-Tillotson University’s mission is to nurture a legacy of leadership and excellence in education, connecting knowledge, power, passion, and values. The University offers associate and master’s degrees in addition to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in more than 19 areas of study.