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Student Services

Counseling Services

Counseling and Consultation Center

The goal of the Counseling and Consultation Center (CCC) is to help students manage the challenges of college life. Counseling is available to help students deal with their personal and academic concerns to facilitate their success in school and in life.

Resources for Emergency/ Crisis

Disaster Distress Helpline: 1.800.985.5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 (TTY 1.800.846.8517)

Virus Anxiety Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255

Veterans Crisis Line 1.800.273.8255 (press 1 when connected)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1.800.799.7233 (TTY 1.800.787.3224)


If serious harm is about to happen to any person, including one’s self, please call 911 immediately.
If there is a student in crisis (intense difficulty, trouble, or danger) please contact Austin-Travis County Integral Care’s 24/7 Crisis Hotline at 512.472.HELP (4357) or Austin Police Department and request the Crisis Intervention Team or a Mental Health Officer.


The Counseling and Consultation Center’s Pledge To You

The counselor will provide respectful, competent, and compassionate services to all students attending Huston-Tillotson University. Students sometimes need to talk to someone, and voice their feelings, thoughts and behaviors that are troubling them. Counseling helps students become aware of their feelings and underlying issues as well as identify problems, find solutions, and build an effective plan of action. Counseling is CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVATE.

Who Can Benefit from Counseling?

Everyone can benefit from counseling! We encourage you to seek counseling if you experience any of the following concerns which are common among college students:

  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Academic concerns, such as procrastination and attention problems
  • Interpersonal relationship problems
  • Adjustment issues such as homesickness and loneliness
  • Thoughts of hurting self or others
  • Problem behaviors, such as drug or alcohol abuse
  • Experience with trauma, such as sexual abuse and PTSD
  • Grief and sense of loss
  • Confusion, worry, negativity

Services Provided

  • Individual Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Couples Counseling
  • Consultation (academic, professional, personal)
  • Referrals to mental health care providers in the community
  • Mental Health resources for students, faculty, and staff

To Schedule an Appointment

You may send an e-mail to You must be a currently-enrolled student to receive counseling services.

First Visit

When you come in to talk with the counselor for the first time, you will be asked to complete an information sheet that provides your counselor with background information about you (email to receive an Intake Form). Then you’ll sit down and start a conversation to explore how counseling can help you reach your therapeutic goals. Sessions usually last 45-50 minutes.

How to make the most of your counseling session?

  • Be an active participant: Come to your appointment and be open and honest with your counselor. Explain what you would like to get from counseling. Describe the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that bring concern to you.

  • Be patient: Talking through things is not easy and finding solutions take time. Do not give up, counseling works!

Cancellation Policy

Due to the heavy demand for counseling and consultation services, we ask that clients call to cancel or reschedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance so that the appointment time may be utilized by another student waiting for an appointment. When a client misses multiple appointments, she/he may be asked to confer with the Center director before additional appointments will be scheduled. If a client repeatedly misses scheduled appointments and reasonable accommodations have been offered, the client may be referred to appropriate professional service providers in the Austin community.

Protection of Records

The services provided by the Counseling and Consultation Center (CCC) are confidential and do not become part of the student’s  academic record. The CCC operates according to ethical, federal and state guidelines which protect the privacy of the student’s medical records.

Stress Management for College Students

Visit the link below to learn about different types of stress and get tips on how to manage your life when stress hits!

How to Avoid Stress in College

Suicide Warning Signs

The link below provides information from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is a national network with information available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Need information about Drug or Alcohol addiction?

Use this resource to learn more about drug addictions, treatments, and rehabilitation centers in Texas.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources

Veterans, Active Duty, and Active Reserve

The Counseling and Consultation Center extends a warm welcome to all veterans, active duty and active reservists. You are invited to utilize our services at any time while enrolled.

For information specific to the needs of Veterans’ mental health please visit this Veterans Mental Health Resource Page.

LGBTQ+ Policy

The Counseling and Consultation Center (CCC) provides annual training to its counselors on issues pertaining to LGBTQ+ populations. The CCC is competent to provide counseling and support on a wide variety of issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity, transition, etc. The CCC does not provide formal psychological services (letters, evaluations) for the purpose of transition. However, the CCC can provide counseling and support on these issues. Currently, students would be referred to friendly service providers in Austin.* If you are seeking resources or immediate assistance, specifically for the LGBTQ population, please visit The Trevor Project’s website, dial 1.866.488.7386, or text START to 678678 at any time.

*Developed in accordance with the LGBTQ policy at The State University of New York-Albany.