Jobs by Major
CAS Jobs by Major Links
Biology (Also, see Teacher Education)
Biology Online Contains resources related to careers and information for job seekers in the biological, biotechnology and life sciences. It includes current research and industry news, career center, blogs, and online discussion groups.
Biology Links sponsored by Harvard University. This site contains extensive categorized resources and Internet links for those in biosciences. There are job listings, company contacts, search engines, databases and more.
BioSpace Career Center Offers job search by category and region for the biotechnology field. View information on career fairs and research potential employers. Also, contains articles, resources, and links related to the biotechnology field.
Career Action Center Contains Public Health employment connection. Search employment in Public Health and post profile for employer review.
Earthworks-Jobs.com Use hotlinks to find the latest jobs in energy, oil, mining, geoscience, seismology, geodesy, earth system science, environmental science, remediation, contaminated land, agriculture, forestry, ecology, plant science, meteorology, atmospheric science, oceanography, marine science, hydrology, hydrogeology, soil science, remote sensing, GIS, geomatics, geotechnical/civil engineering and related subjects.
Eco.org Contains internships, career advice, career products, research and consulting resources from the Environmental Careers Organization.
Healthcareercenter.org was created to help aspiring healthcare and medical students and job seekers make better, more informed career choices by providing them with highly relevant, reliable and up-to-date job search, career development, and employment information.
Hospital.com seeks to be a trusted source for News, Information and employment opportunities surrounding the Hospital Community.
MedForum Contains an interactive job line, medical journal, forums, news groups, conferences, and other medical links.
Medical Jobs Find information, articles and jobs in the medical field including doctors, nurses, therapists, techicians, etc.
MedicalWorkers.com Contains job listings for nurse practitioner, RN, physician, and other medical/healthcare professionals. Search the site to find nursing jobs, RN jobs, medical jobs, physician jobs, physician assistant jobs, pharmacy jobs, radiology jobs, and other allied health care jobs. Post resumes and search for jobs on-line.
Medzilla Provides job and employment resources for biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and science fields. It contains a free resume posting service, listings of employment opportunities, articles, professional associations, headhunters and on-line books.
Physicians Employment On-line Physician Jobs & Job Search, Practice & Employment Opportunities, and Recruitment.
Public Health Resources on the Internet Contains links to public health resources, agencies and organizations, indexes and publications.
Science Careers Search hundreds of life and physical sciences job listings by disciplines, regions, positions, and/or organizations.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Search career opportunities by keywords and/or categories. Job categories include professional, allied health, nursing, information technology, scientific/technical, research, and secretarial.
The Next Generation: is a periodic, on-line publication designed to present interesting and relevant information to premedical students, medical students and general interest readers. Responding to an insufficiency in easily accessible and permanent information for premeds and general interest readers regarding the systems of discovery, policy, and care delivery, the Next Generation seeks to encourage a new generation of clinicians and health-conscious citizens to develop broader and better educated perspectives on the field of medicine.
UT Southwest Medical Center at Dallas Find links to current job listings, on-line resume forms, and additional information about the university. Prospective employees can also use quick links or the navigation bar to find information about UT Southwestern policies and procedures, benefits, training programs, and other useful resources.
Chemistry (Also, see Biology & Teacher Education)
Chemjobs Offers tools, resources, and expert career advice to help new and experienced chemists reach their professional goals.
PowerPlant Jobs powered by EnergyJobSearch.com. Focused on the world’s energy industry including: oil and gas exploration and production, refining and marketing, power and utility, pipeline transportation, engineering and construction, service and equipment, chemicals and petrochemicals, geothermal, alternative energy, fuel cells, solar, wind, nuclear, cogeneration, professional services, energy banking and information technology.
Criminal Justice
Criminology Degree.com this site is dedicated to helping individuals navigate the different criminal justice fields to help them determine a good personal fit.
FindLaw Resources include Web search utilities, cases and codes, legal news, an on-line career center, and community oriented tools, such as a secure document management utility, mailing lists, message boards and free e-mail.
Internet Resources for Sociology and Social Work Links to social work and services and criminal justice resources.
Law Degree Central Learn about law degrees, types of lawyers, law associations and organizations and other related information to assist in pursuing a law degree.
Lawjobs Search jobs, take online CLE seminars, read career headlines and get legal advice.
Laws.com goals are to keep the public informed, provide the most updated information on current issues, supply crime prevention solutions, provide law enforcement employment opportunities, and make sure we help make this world a safer place.
LawEnforcementJobs Search for law enforcement opportunities. Also, contains resources related to police test, degrees, training and pay.
Legal Career Center This site is to help attorneys, paralegals, law school students and legal professionals develop their careers and find legal jobs in law firms, corporations and other employers of legal talent.
Legal-Criminal-Justice-Schools.com offers career and education information for career advancement or a new job in the field of criminal justice. Browse criminal justice career titles to find job descriptions, educational requirements and salary information.
Officer.com Links to law enforcement jobs, news, magazines, services and more.
PoliceEmployment.com contains state, city, county and federal law enforcement job opportunities, including forensics. Also, provides resources such as videos, books, publications related to law enforcement.
Student Legal Services Resources Provides links related to consumer websites, landlord, wireless telephone, general legal help and more from the University of North Texas.
U.S. Department of Justice Contains multiple resources relevant to employment, news, and information from the federal Department of Justice.
English (Also, see Teacher Education)
85 Job Boards for Artists compiled in the Guide to Art Schools website. This website includes job boards for new media/graphic design, photo/film/video, print, teaching, art and design and international art.
Authorlink! Award-winning marketplace for the publishing industry, where editors and agents buy and sell unpublished and published properties and serious writers get exposure to publishing professionals. Plus news, searchable databases, and other essential tools for publishers, editors, agents, and writers.
Criminal Justice Journalists The first national organization of journalists who cover crime, court, and prison beats. We have members from magazines, newspapers, television, and on-line sites, as well as book authors and freelancers.
ESLworldwide Job search website designed for recruiting instructors across the globe in all studies of language.
Freelance Online Search links for freelance writing opportunities and resources.
Inlandpress This webite allows job seekers to find newspaper job opportunities and to post resumes for employment.
MLA Provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy. MLA members host an annual convention and other meetings, work with related organizations, and sustain one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities. Search jobs in the JIL database.
(The) Write Jobs A specialty job board and career resource for journalism, media, publishing and writing professionals. The Write JobsTM is part of Writers Write, Inc.’s network of resources for creative professionals, which includes Writenews.com andWriterswrite.com.
WritersNet Writing resources, news and discussion for authors/writers, editors, publishers and agents.
Kinesiology (Also, see Teacher Education)
ACA – American Camping Association A to Z Camp Information in the Camp Knowledge Center for people who work at camp. Find camps and employment all across the nation.
Biohealthmatics.com Provides jobs and career advice in biomedical informatics. Biomedical informatics is made up principally of two fields – bioinformatics and medical informatics, which is now being called health informatics. This website is for those looking to pursue a career in biomedical informatics or already have started their career in the field.
Camp Staff Internet’s only two-way searchable database and automated e-mail system created solely to match summer camps with potential counselors and staff.
Career Action Center from the Rollins School of Public Health. Find employment opportunities, career tips and information related to careers in Public Health.
Career Athletes is focused on providing educational and career service resources, technology solutions, and career mentoring networks…assisting and connecting current and former student-athletes, college athletic administrators, athletic alumni organizations and hiring managers throughout the United States.
Healthcareercenter.org was created to help aspiring healthcare and medical students and job seekers make better, more informed career choices by providing them with highly relevant, reliable and up-to-date job search, career development, and employment information.
HP Career Net Search employment opportunities, informational resources and information related to health professional conferences.
Online Sports Career Center A resource of sports-related career opportunities and a resume bank for potential employers within the many segments of the Sports and Recreation Industries.
Rehabjobs.org A healthcare dedicated job source for job seekers looking for employment opportunities in the healthcare industry. Find exclusive employment opportunities for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistants, Speech Language Pathologists, Speech Therapy Assistants, RN’s, LP(V)N’s, Respiratory Therapists, Radiology Technicians, Nuclear Medicine, Surgical Technicians, Physicians, Executives, Administrative Support and more!
Sports Management Degree.org is a resource for those interested in a career in sports management. Find information regarding average salaries, career prospects and sports management program rankings. Additionally, review a blog managed by professional sports agents that touches on a multitude of sports, marketing and business topics.
TeamWork Online is an online job board/applicant tracking system software that resides on a sports organization’s website to assist in recruiting and identifying the most appropriate candidate(s) for an open sports position. It is the most successful software for matching candidates to sports jobs.
The Next Generation: is a periodic, on-line publication designed to present interesting and relevant information to premedical students, medical students and general interest readers. Responding to an insufficiency in easily accessible and permanent information for premeds and general interest readers regarding the systems of discovery, policy, and care delivery, the Next Generation seeks to encourage a new generation of clinicians and health-conscious citizens to develop broader and better educated perspectives on the field of medicine.
Therapeutic Recreation Directory Resources for Therapeutic Recreation Professionals
Mathematics (Also, see Teacher Education)
AMS Careers and Employment Contains links to professional academic and nonacademic opportunities for mathematicians.
Music/Music Education (Also, see Teacher Education)
Bridge A service of New England Conservatory’s Entrepreneurial Musicianship Department, Bridge: Worldwide Music Connection provides online access to 3,000 opportunities in music and arts administration. This is a fee based site but with a free trial subscription.
Musicians Network A “free for all” of listings from musicians and music industry people around the world! Also, includes music samples, books and resources related to making it in the music industry.
Musicians Resourcesfrom Artist Direct. Provides links to employment opportunities, directories, publications and more for musicians.
(The) Music Library The UNT Music Library, one of the largest university music collections in the United States, contains over 250,000 volumes of books, periodicals, scores, dissertations, and reference works in all languages. In addition to the printed collection, there are over 250,000 recordings of all kinds, from Edison cylinders to compact discs and digital tape recordings.
Showbizjobs Post your resume and search for employment in the music and recording industry.
Texas Music Educators Association Search jobs K-12 and/or higher education. Click on main menu and then job placement.
Worldwide Internet Music Resources Extensive amount of links for finding jobs, music magazines, publications and more for musicians.
APA Online Resources related to careers, certifications, books and more primarily for Psychology students from the American Psychological Association.
APS Search for jobs, review journals, find conventions from the American Psychological Society.
Career Decision Aids Psychology career resource links from Hanover College.
Careers in Psychology – website for information about psychology careers, psychology education, psychology internships, and psychology jobs, as well as licensure information.
Mental Help Net Comprehensive source of online mental health information, news, jobs and resources.
Psych Web Contains lots of psychology-related information for students and teachers of psychology.
Political Science (Also, see Teacher Education)
Essential Information Lists a variety of projects to encourage citizens to become active and engaged in their communities. Provides provocative information to the public on important topics neglected by the mass media and policy makers. Also, contains a monthly magazine, books and reports, sponsors investigative journalism conferences, provides writers with grants to pursue investigations and operate clearing houses which disseminate information to grassroots organizations in the United States and the Third World.
Law Degree Central Learn about law degrees, types of lawyers, law associations and organizations and other related information to assist in persuing a law degree.
Political Resources on the Net Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world.
Social Studies Career Center Provides career opportunities and resources related to the teaching of Social Studies.
US Politics Contains links to directories, books, periodicals and listservs related to the political scene.
Action Without Borders Action Without Borders connects people, organizations and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. View career center opportunities, fellowships, internships, directories and more related to the non-profit sector.
ASA A nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families. Use the links to explore publications and resources, utilize educational programs and diversity initiatives, and share knowledge with the largest network of professionals in the field of aging.
AmeriCorps AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs that engage more than 50,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment.
Guidestar Careers Provides multiple resource links related to careers in the non-profit sector.
Internet Resources for Sociology & Social Work Links to social work and services resources.
OpportunityKnocks.org Source of nonprofit jobs and career opportunities. To find a job, do a quick keyword search or use the Advanced Search to see job listings by city, state, organization or position type.
Philanthropy Careers Find a job, read news, join a discussion group related to non-profits and philanthropy.
SocialWorkJobBank.com Career Center devoted to helping social work professionals and employers find the perfect match.
(The) SocioWeb Guide to Sociological resources on the web.
Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Find employment opportunities through Health and Human Services.
Volunteers of America Texas A faith based non-profit organization committed to serving people in need, strengthening families and building communities.
WorldTeach A non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the Center for International Development at Harvard University which provides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries.
Teacher Education
ABC Teaching Jobs A classified network of teacher job postings. K-12 schools can find qualified teachers and job seeking educators can find teaching positions in education.
ESL employment Get high-paying ESL and EFL job openings emailed to you weekly.
Masters of Education Guide includes student interviews, articles, job resources, certification requirements by state, and a directory of 3,000+ degree programs.
Search for Public Schools from the National Center for Education Statistics. Search for school districts, magnet and charter schools.
Social Studies.Org National Council for Social Studies. Provides informational resources for educators in social studies fields such as economics, geography, history, and political science.
Teachers.com Designed to help teachers find new and exciting teaching jobs. Post your resume in their database, accessed by more than 750 school districts nationwide, and search thousands of teaching positions.
Teachers Ed.gov Find information related to teaching and resources form the Department of Education.
Teachers Job Help Search teaching jobs by state. Also provides teaching job search tips and resources.
Teachers.com is a user-friendly website where you can view job postings from 2,001 school systems and private schools nationwide, quickly complete an online job application, apply for available positions, and track your job search process.
Teaching Overseas sponsored by the Department of State. Provides a searchable list of organizations that provide opportunities to teach in elementary and secondary schools and which recruit or employ a rather large number of teachers for assignment abroad.
Texas Education Agency TEA homepage. Search Texas schools directory, get information on Teacher Certification and keep up with recent and impending legislation. Click on District Locator to search for jobs in Texas school districts.
Yahoo Education Search Yahoo’s search engine to find employment opportunities and information related to K-12.
SBT Jobs by Major Links
AAFA – American Association of Finance and Accounting Oldest and largest alliance of executive search firms specializing in the recruitment and staffing of finance and accounting professionals.
AMA: American Marketing Association The site contains a job board, best practices information, marketing directory, newsletter and more.
Careers in Business Designed to help you find a satisfying job in the business world. Whether you’re angling for a fast track investment banking job or a fulfilling non-profit career, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Careers in Business brings you the latest scoop on various business career areas including jobs, salaries, what people are saying and entry requirements.
CareerBank.com An online career center for the accounting, finance and banking community. The site also provides resume posting, job search and career development resources for accounting, finance and banking professionals. The site has also developed the industry’s largest career center network reaching more than 800,000 accounting, finance and banking professionals.
Financial Job Network A virtual meeting place for financial professionals seeking career opportunities domestically (USA) and worldwide.
FINANCIALjobs Accounting and financial jobs for professionals at all levels of their fields.
HR World A place to find information, resources and employment opportunities in the field of human resources.
International Real Estate Digest A comprehensive web site for the real estate professional. This site has hundreds of resources related to the real estate industry.
Marketing and Sales Jobs Search marketing and sales opportunities from all over the country.
Marketing Jobs Great website for learning about the field of marketing and finding opportunities by state in this field.
Marketing Jobs Search through the online job postings for sales and marketing positions to find your next job.
MBA Online provides insightful tips on topics ranging from preparing a stand out application to succeeding in your MBA studies to landing your management dream job.
MinorityMBAs.com is for leading minority MBA professionals and students. Companies committed to diversity in middle and senior management positions post jobs and internships. MBA members complete career profiles that are included in an online database that hiring managers search to find candidates. MinorityMBA.com works to develop partnerships with top business schools and clubs to establish ongoing relationships with current students and alumni.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Leading professional services firm.
Real Estate Best Jobs Search Real Estate jobs all over the US.
SHRM Online Society for Human Resources Management The career center has job search tools, job seeking tips and more.
SmartPros Accounting Career center for employment and information resources related to accounting, finance, banking, Real Estate and more.
Computer Science
ACM Career Resource Center View jobs, get professional job search tips, and engage in online discussions relative to the field of information technology.
Comforce (3rd Party Recruiters) Search contract jobs that fit your skills, education and abilities
Computerwork.com Focuses solely on the needs of computer professionals in finding jobs and developing their careers. The resume posting system allows you to notify employer members of your availability.
GamesJobNews.com Source for job seekers and those interested in employment in the computer and videogames industry across the world. It is a summary of timely news on jobs, employment and recruitment to keep you abreast of all developments in the games job market.
Job Smack Designed for individuals in the interactive content development field. Access career opportunities available in the videogames, software, graphics, broadband and web development industries. Submit profile and receive matching employment opportunities by email.
Jobs for Programmers Submit resumes and view programming, database, networking and telecommuting jobs nationwide
Texas ComputerJobs.com Find Tech jobs in Texas