Job Search
Looking for jobs specific to your major? Click here
The internet offers a massive amount of resources for finding jobs, so much that job seekers can end up “drowning” in the internet instead of “surfing” it. This step is to assist job seekers to search in “address specific” websites, rather than mega and meta lists that provide only a limited number of job listings in a particular field.
The sections in the job and career search process include networking, internships, job search by majors and field of study, Texas links, and workplace diversity.
The phrase “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is wrong on both accounts. It is what you know; that is why you get a degree and internships. It’s also generally who you know who knows someone else (networking) that gets you an employment opportunity. Use this area to help build a worldwide network of future career contacts.
Listservs/egroups/blogs/discussion groups Links
Association DirectorySearch for thousands of associations by name, city, category and/or keywords
Associations on the Net Guide to web sites of prominent organizations and associations from the Internet Public Library.
CataList Browse any of the 60,000+ public LISTSERV lists on the Internet, search for mailing lists of interest, and get information about LISTSERV host sites.
Google Groups Post and read comments in Usenet discussion forums
Monster Discussion Job search tips and career discussion groups moderated by experts
Scholarly Societies Project Facilitates access to information about scholarly societies across the world
Topica Email List Directory Search for related email discussion groups
Yahoo!Groups Search for email discussion groups related to your career field.
Job Search Aggregator neuvoo.com
Your job search starts here.
Refine your job search, discover your dream job and get hired: http://www.learnhowtobecome.org/
Graduate School
Preparing for Graduate School: http://www.gograd.org/graduate-school-guide-book/
Tips for Taking the GRE: http://www.gograd.org/gre-guidebook/
Graduate School Financial Aid Guidebook: http://www.gograd.org/financial-aid/
Inside the Graduate School Admissions Department: http://www.gograd.org/resources/grad-school-admissions/
Internships are a great “try before you buy” opportunity. This section is to assist students seeking internships to find opportunities outside of the area and sometimes outside of the country. HT students should always use the Career Management System located on the C&GDC Homepage first (Click on: Students/Alumni CMS Login on the right side of the page) to find an internship as these opportunities are posted by employers that want to hire you!
Best Bets for Internships Abroad There are literally hundreds of opportunities for internships abroad. This site contains links to related web sites, as well as listings of some of the more well-known programs that exist. The most helpful resources, those with which we suggest you begin your search, are noted with gold stars.
Federal Internship Directory Provides information and links to federal agencies internships and fellowships.
Get That Gig Search jobs and internships across the country by career category
Internship Listings in Japan Search links to find intern programs related to your future career field
InternMatch is a leading internship resource in the US that focuses on showcasing startup, nonprofit, and uniquely amazing internships for students.
Read all about the Best Student Internships of 2017 right here, brought to you by Reviews.com.
The Best Student Internships. What students should know before choosing a platform.
The Best Student Internship Platforms. Find what works best for you and your future.
How to avoid scams. Not all internships are created equal. Make sure you do your research and know what is legit and what is not.
Internships.com Search thousands of internship worldwide.
Internship Programs.com Post your resume to employers who are exclusively looking for interns! You can also search the extensive database of internships, read internship reviews or create your own real-intern profile, or research companies and careers on Wetfeet.com.
Minority Co-op/Internships The co-op/internship positions listed at this website specifically focus on providing opportunities for minority students and students from underrepresented groups in the sciences and medicine.
StudyAbroad.com Search a country directory for an intern program that suits your needs. Follow links, graphics or e-mail buttons and request more information!
White House Initiative on HBCU’s Provides links to government scholarships, fellowships and internships for students of HBCU’s.
If you want to work in Texas, a good place to search for jobs is in Texas based websites. Use this section to find part-time and full-time employment across the State of Texas.
All Texas Jobs Links for local employers, employment agencies, job banks and career resources that serve Texas.
Austin City Jobs Search jobs with the City of Austin.
Austin Jobs.com Post your resume for free! Search job postings from 100′s of Austin area employers. Also, sign up for email alerts of new job postings in your area of expertise!
Austin Jobsite Search jobs in Austin, post a resume, read career search articles and more.
BestJobs USA Texas Job search and employer information in Texas.
Career Center Browse job opportunities in the city of Austin, find information on local job fairs, and search job classifieds from the Austin American-Statesman newspaper.
Carouselexpo Search for job fairs in cities across Texas.
CareerNet This site contains employment opportunities within and outside the State of Texas. It also contains links to Career Planning resources.
Cool Austin Jobs Read about, view and apply for “cool jobs” in Austin, Texas, as provided by Austin WorkSource and Austin Community College.
General Management Jobs Access general management jobs, executive jobs listings, chief operating officer careers available in your area.
Houston Jobing.com Provides job openings by profession in the Houston area.
I Need a Job Search database of jobs, job fairs, career fairs, franchises and business opportunities and expos.
Job Center Job search site from the Dallas Morning News newspaper.
Job Search Page offers students instant and free access to millions of available jobs from across the web. With a quick search, your students can find jobs from career websites, employers directly, staffing agencies, newspapers and more.
Jobs Search employment classifieds from Houston Chronicle newspaper. Also, search job openings with the Houston Recruiter feature by category, job title, and company. Find information about local job fairs.
Jobs Online Search jobs from the San Antonio Express News
Texas ComputerJobs Search computer jobs, create a skills profile for employers, and research employers through company profiles.
Texas Computerwork This site offers job listings for individuals looking for employment in IT industries. Offers resume posting.
Texas Jobs Search the job database by keyword, location, category, and class. Offers resume posting.
TheLadders.com offers online job search resources and content for the $100k+ job seekers and recruiters. Our specialized job search engines are an invaluable asset to top-earning job seekers in Sales, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Law,Technology, Operations, and all other $100k+ fields.
TX Jobs This site offers job search by location, category, and keyword as well as resume posting.
Texas Online This site contains links and information about Texas Agencies, Boards, Colleges, Commissions, Courts, Departments, Offices, and Universities. Other government contacts can be found on the State chartered institutions, councils of government, city/county, other government organizations (including Community Colleges) or federal information pages. This site will help job seekers in almost any discipline field find employment opportunities in the Public and Education sectors.
Texas Workforce Wealth of Texas employment websites.
TownieJobs.com Texas Search jobs by Texas counties
Workplace Diversity
Resources for persons with disabilities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning individuals; women; and diverse racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds; as well as national origin. This section allows job seekers to review employment laws, receive career search advice and assistance, find diversity-friendly employers and employment, and other career resources to assist job seekers with their next career step.
Advancing Women Job Search, Diversity Recruiting, Strategies to Empower Success, Workplace Studies, Networking and more for women and diverse populations
Black Collegian Online Provides cutting-edge information on career resources, job search strategies, graduate school opportunities, career and industry reports for Black collegians.
Disability Information and Resources Click on Job Training/Placement/Employment for links related directly to employment for persons with disabilities
DisabilityInfo.gov Online resource for person’s with disabilitiesDiversityInc Online magazine with resume upload, job search, career advice, top diversity employers, legal assistance, diversity facts and many other career development resources.
ENTRY POINT! is a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) offering outstanding internship opportunities for students with disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and some fields of business.
Equal Opportunities Publications Hispanics Online Career Center Contains job search engine, resume posting, job search tips, chat rooms, articles and much more, primarily relevant to Latinos.Post resume to Fortune 500 companies, view career fairs and events and review publications related to diverse populations
GettingHired has incorporated several unique free services designed to help people prepare for the work place and build their careers. Our social networking medium offers individuals a platform to connect with each other and career mentors. Job seekers will find opportunities posted by employers who expressly use our portal through paid annual subscriptions to hire them. Our portal identifies and highlights individual skills, talents and backgrounds. No person will be asked to disclose a disability anywhere on the GettingHired portal. Our Right Match technology matches individual qualifications to specific job requirements facilitating employment success.
HBCU-Careers.net Connects students and alumni from the Historically Black Colleges and Universities with employers. It also provides the tools you need to conduct a successful job search including: Find career and internship opportunities from top employers in your area of study; post your resume; download a free copy of the HBCU Career Guide; and learn everything you need to know about planning for your career from experts in an HBCU Forum.
JobAccess Designed to enable people with disabilities to enhance their professional lives by providing a dedicated system for finding employment.
Job Accommodations Network A free consulting service designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities by: 1) providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions, 2) providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation, and 3) educating callers about self-employment options.
JobLatino Post resumes, read interview tips, review job search techniques, study tips about body language during job interviews and more.
MyVisaJobs.com is a visa job portal for foreign students seeking job opportunities in United States. It releases visa reports annually and profiles every U.S. visa sponsor. It also uses quantitative modeling methods to analyze H1B Visa, Green Card petitions and job openings, and then provides customized work visa solution based on users’ skills and preferences.
National Business & Disability Council Post resumes, search jobs, view career events and Internships for persons with disabilities
RecruitAbility An online, targeted recruiting site that effectively connects proactive employers with job seekers with disabilities
The Official Diversity Campus Career Guide and Career Guide Website provides information for students on resume writing, career fairs, job opportunities, post graduate studies and access to 197 minority schools. The guide targets African American, Hispanic Serving, Native American, Women, and Asian students.
All are welcome here!
UNCF: For Students HT is one of over 35 UNCF sponsored universities. View this ste to find scholarships, internships, grant awarding foundations and more.
WorkplaceDiversity.com A web-based community that enables experienced diversity talent to find open positions at companies that support diversity, and get information and resources that will help them attain their career goals.
College Preparation & SuccessA Guide for Students with Disabilities How to Prepare for and Succeed in College – https://www.moneygeek.com/education/college/resources/students-with-disabilities-success-guide/