Higher Education
Finding Higher Education
This area will help you find graduate and professional schools related to your future career field and resources to assist in the application process.
AccreditedOnlineColleges.org – is a comprehensive college directory with many resources useful to prospective students and parents interested in advancing their education.
AcademicInfo is an online education resource center with over 25,000+ resources that include extensive subject guides, education blogs and resources, and distance learning information.
College Admissions Blog The College search and preparation blog provides insights into college life, suggestions on where to find scholarships and tips for earning and saving money while in school.
College Search Enter a keyword and immediately find the schools whose names contain your keyword. Then enter profile information that allows CollegeNET to sift through thousands of colleges and find schools well-matched to you.
College Source Online A virtual library representing college catalogs in full cover-to-cover, original page format with 2-year, 4-year, graduate, professional, and international schools.
CollegeTours.com is a Source for virtual college tours, webcams, campus maps, videos, movies, and pictures.
Education Corner contains a College Search Database to help aspiring students and education-minded professionals make better, more informed choices by providing highly detailed and comprehensive college information and data on over 7,000 U.S. colleges, universities, and higher education institutions.
ETS GRE Contains free downloadable software test preparation, sample questions, and test-taking tips and strategies.
Exam2Jobs website to help you learn everything you need to know about the certification test (or tests) you’ll need to pass to embark on a new career or keep moving upward in your current one.
GradSchools.com is a Comprehensive online source of graduate school information. Search by program and school, view essay writing tutorial
Discover Business Degrees Online Authored by Prof. Dennis Masino and Jackie Giuliano, Ph.D., the guide contains a list of the best business degrees across the US.
Graduate Center Provides graduating students, graduate school students, and college graduates information and resources that include grad school admissions advice and requirements, paying for graduate school, grad school insurance and credit help, and online Master’ programs.
GRADSOURCE.com Provides a database of hundreds of graduate and professional schools with detailed information on higher education programs in business, engineering, nursing, health, and teaching.
Graduate Guide Search graduate schools by keywords, majors and/or state
GRE Guide Provides practice tests and downloadable practice tests.
Kaplan Test Prep Put in your area zip code and find free events that include practice graduate and professional school entrance exams and test-taking strategies and tips sessions.
OnlineMastersPrograms – GRE: This site provides comprehensive information related to applying for, preparing for, and taking the GRE.
Online Schools provides up-to-date and readily available information on accredited online schools.
Peterson’s Graduate Programs Get essay writing help, and financial aid information, search graduate programs, and post a profile to be recruited by graduate schools
Study Guide Zone Provides free downloadable study guides for college, graduate, and professional school entrance tests, writing, math, and reading practice guides, an essay help guide, and a test-taking tips guide.
Test Prep Review Provides practice tests and test-taking strategies for undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools including, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, and PCAT.
The Princeton Review Search graduate, law, medical, and business school programs then take practice GRE, GMAT, LSAT and other entrance exams to prepare for entrance into these programs.
U.S. Graduate Schools Search business, engineering, law, and medical school
Complete Guide to College Admissions – http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/resources/college-admissions-guide/
Financial Aid for Online Schools – http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/financial-aid/
Online Colleges that Offer Laptops – http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/resources/accredited-online-colleges-that-offer-laptops/
Guide to Accreditation & Online Colleges – http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/online-colleges/
Student Resources for Online Schools & Learning – http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/
Paying for Higher Education
Every year thousands of dollars of fellowships, grants, scholarships, and other monies go unpaid because no one asked for them. These links will help students to find multiple resources for funding higher education at any level.
BrainTrack lists over 13,000 higher education institutions in 194 countries and is continually updated with new resources for education and careers. Includes career guide, student scholarships and a scholarship search engine.
Find Grands geared to African-American Students in Higher Ed
Next Gen Personal Finance: Paying for College
Career Resource Library Provides links to articles and websites relevant to gaining financial aid for college
CollegeBoard.com: Pay for College Get the latest information about college costs, scholarships, financial aid applications, education loans, and college financing.
College Net Provides scholarship, financial aid and college admission resources.
CollegeView Contains financial aid and resources for choosing a college that’s right for you.
Debt Free U Financial Literacy Resources for college students that includes a payment calculator for comparing loans and credit card debt payments.
Debt.org is dedicated to your financial well-being. Our mission is to arm everyone — from young adults to the recently retired — with information and tools to make sound financial decisions for a successful life.
EStudentLoan Compare student loans, learn about financial aid, and search for scholarships.
FastWeb Free scholarship search to find information on thousands of scholarships!
FinAid The smart student guide to financial aid, scholarships, loans, etc.
Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities Contains scholarship opportunities for students with physical, mental, learning and general disabilities.
Finding Private Student Loans Helps student compare loans and walks them through the process.
(The) Gates Millennium Scholars Established to provide outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Natives, Asian Pacific Islander Americans, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college education in all discipline areas and a graduate education for those students pursuing studies in mathematics, science, engineering, education, or library science. Administered by the UNCF
Grad Loans Offers graduate student loans and financial aid options including graduate Stafford Loans, Grad PLUS Loans, private graduate loans, and scholarships for graduate students.
GrantsNet One-stop resource to find funds for training in the sciences and undergraduate science education.
Making College Financial Planning Count This program will help students and their parents: plan for and manage college costs; understand the FAFSA, including critical tips and deadline dates; learn the types of financial aid that are available, including scholarships and grants; and create a personal college funding strategy using a College FundPath™ Worksheet.
NetGuide: Financial Aid Resources Links to financial aid resources.
SallieMae: College Answer View detailed information on education savings plans, school costs, ways to pay for college, scholarships, and the student financial aid process (from estimating your EFC to completing the FAFSA and receiving the SAR). Connects you to over 2.4 million awards worth more than $15 billion and the database is updated daily!
Scholarship Points Join for free and begin earning points towards monthly free scholarships worth up to $10,000.
Student Scholarships Texas’ Leading source for finding scholarship money
Student Loan Borrowers Assistance Find out how to receive a student loan and get advice on managing your student loan debt.
Student Loan Network Provides student loans and related information. Helps students to access federal and private student loans, scholarship and consolidation funding for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. Also, provides information related to the financial aid process, student loan resources, student loan blogs and free FA eBooks.
TG Online Resource for information, financing, and assistance to help all families and students realize their educational and career dreams.
UNCF: For Students HT is one of over 35 UNCF sponsoredschools. View this website to find scholarships, internships foundation grants and more.
Yahoo!Education: Financial Aid Links to resources related to applying for and receiving financial aid.
White House Initiative on HBCU’s Provides links to government scholarships, fellowships and internships for students of HBCU’s.
Additional Resources
- Guide to Women in STEM: http://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/women-in-stem/
- Description: College success for women in STEM. Find scholarships, programs, and organizations helping women bridge the STEM gender gap.
- How to Ensure Your Program is Accredited: http://www.accreditedschoolsonline.org/
- Description: It is critical to ensure that any program you attend is accredited to qualify for financial aid. You can use this search tool to find accredited programs.
- Learn How to Become: http://learnhowtobecome.org/
- Description: Over 100 career paths explained – find you dream career.
- Affordable Online Degrees/Majors by Salary Potential: http://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/degrees/
- Description: How do the STEM majors stack up in terms of salary potential? See the study here.
- Computer Science Careers: http://www.computerscienceonline.org/careers/
- Description: Explore the different paths of a computer science career.