Policies and Procedures
Huston-Tillotson University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Huston-Tillotson University is in compliance with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, and other Federal Laws and Regulations. The University does not discriminate against its employees or students, on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion, color, gender, physical disability, or criteria prohibited under state and Federal age discrimination statues, in administration of its admission/educational policies or other university administered programs and activities. This schedule is not a contract, and should not be regarded as an irrevocable commitment on the part of the University. Huston-Tillotson reserves the right to change any policy and/or program described in this publication, without prior notice.
Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., CST, Monday through Friday. The University telephone number is 512.505.3000; the FAX number is 512.505.3190. Inquiries should be addressed to the appropriate office at Huston-Tillotson University, 900 Chicon Street, Austin, Texas 78702-2795
Admission Requirements
Huston-Tillotson University invites applications for admission from students whose academic and personal records give evidence of proficiency and interest in educational success. Consideration will be given to students regardless of race, religion, gender, physical disability, and color, national or ethnic origin. Huston-Tillotson University, a coeducational institution, accepts both freshmen and advanced level students. The Director of Admissions and the Admissions Counselors, on the basis of academic records and other evidence of potential for academic success, consider all applications. Prospective students are encouraged to read carefully all correspondence they receive from the Enrollment Management Office. Prospective students are also encouraged to submit all required admission documentation by the priority deadline to ensure that an adequate assessment of all material may be performed. ALL DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED TO HUSTON-TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY’S ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT OFFICE BECOMES THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY.
Huston-Tillotson University is dedicated to providing a quality educational experience for all students who demonstrate the ability to benefit from the experience. Toward this end, the University offers regular admission as well as provisional admission. Regular admission is available to all students who have a history of academic success at levels defined by the University. Provisional admission is available to students who are identified as having the potential but need additional support and encouragement.
Declaration of Previous College Work Attempted
Students transferring to Huston-Tillotson University are not at liberty to disregard previous college work attempted. All students transferring to the University must list all colleges attended on their application for admission. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of the application, the withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, permanent dismissal from Huston-Tillotson University or other appropriate disciplinary action.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits are accepted at Huston-Tillotson University if they are earned at an institution of higher education accredited by one of the regional accrediting agencies for higher education. Students wanting to transfer coursework from an institution, which is not accredited by a regional accreditation agency, must have their records reviewed on an individual basis by the Director of Admissions, Academic Dean, and the Office of Records and Registration. Official transcripts must be submitted for review of transfer credits. Students may transfer a maximum of 66 semester credit hours from a junior college and 96 semester credits from a 4-year institution to be applied toward graduation. Only courses with grades of “C” or better will be accepted for transfer credit. There is no guarantee that all transfer credits will apply toward satisfying degree requirements. The Dean and Academic Advisor will make the final decision to accept transfer credit applicable to the student’s degree plan. The residence requirements for degrees at Huston-Tillotson University must be met regardless of the amount of work transferred. Transfer courses will be listed on the Huston-Tillotson University official academic record for credit (CR). Each course will reflect the course number, title, and grade and credit value. NO GRADE POINT AVERAGE WILL BE CALCULATED FOR THE TRANSFERRED COURSEWORK. Current students wishing to take courses at other colleges/universities must have prior approval by an Academic Advisor and the Registrar to assure transferability of course credit. A transcript of all courses attempted must be sent to the Office of Records and Registration.
Six-Year Limitation Rules
A student may elect to be graduated under the requirements set forth in the bulletin in effect at the time of his/her first enrollment at Huston-Tillotson University provided the work is completed within six (6) years. If the work for a degree covers a period longer than six (6) years, the division in consultation with the student will determine the bulletin to be used. Students desirous of said bulletin selection should make the necessary Bulletin Declaration in the Office of Records and Registration by the first semester of their senior year, and before the last date for adding and dropping courses. Otherwise, the student will be expected to meet requirements as dictated in the current Huston-Tillotson University Bulletin. Students desiring teacher certification must comply with the current teacher certification requirements as approved by the Texas Education Agency.
Academic Year
The academic year is divided into two semesters. A student may enter the University at the beginning of any semester and may be considered for graduation at the end of any semester during which all requirements are completed.
All students must register at the beginning of each semester whether they were in residence the preceding semester or not.
Changes in Registration
A student who wishes to change his/her schedule after completing registration must consult with his/her Academic Advisor. A course can dropped with the approval of the academic advisor during the period designated in the University Calendar, with a grade of “W.” A grade of “F” will be recorded for students who do not follow the University’s policy regarding dropping.
Consequences of Dropping Course Work
Students who receive financial assistance and do not register for the number of hours their aid is based upon or who drop below that number before the end of the semester may have their assistance offer revised. This revision may include the revocation of grant funds and the return of student loan funds to the lender. Additionally, such students may lose future eligibility for financial assistance.
Students who contemplate withdrawing from the University must file an Official Withdrawal form with the Office of the Registrar. This form is available from the Office of the Registrar and requires clearances from various officers on campus. If prevented by an emergency from filing this form in person, the student must submit a detailed written statement by certified mail substantiating the reason(s) for the withdrawal. Appropriate documents must be attached to the request. These actions must be taken prior to or on the final date for withdrawing as indicated by the University Calendar. Termination of class attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal. The notice of withdrawal is effective as of the date it reaches the Office of Records and Registration. If the procedures are not followed, the student receives “F” grades for all courses in which he/she is enrolled during the period of UNOFFICIAL WITHDRAWAL.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students are reviewed for academic probation at the end of each semester. Students will be placed on probation if at the end of their first year his/her cumulative GPA is not 2.00. Students who fall below this standard will receive probation letters from the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. A transfer GPA is not included in the evaluation of satisfactory academic progress at Huston-Tillotson University. Students are monitored for satisfactory progress at the end of each semester.
Class Attendance
Regular and punctual class attendance is vital to each student’s academic success. Although all learning activities do not take place in the formal classroom, students are reminded that the classroom is the primary location for the delivery of knowledge, the evaluation of achievement, intellectual exchange, skill development, and the molding of attitudes. All these affect the attaining of competencies required by the University. All students, regardless of academic classification, are expected to attend all class sessions. The instructor does not count classes missed while officially representing the University as absences; however, the student is fully responsible for contacting the instructor and making arrangements regarding coursework missed. Each faculty member may also specify, in writing, additional class regulations. Students are responsible for the punctuality/attendance procedures outlined in the course syllabus.
Refund Policy
The term “refund” is defined as financial aid and/or cash payments minus the amount retained by the institution for the student’s actual period of enrollment. Any student who withdraws from the institution may be eligible for a refund of institutional charges, according to the published refund policy. However, a student who received financial aid and withdraws from the institution may be required to refund all or a portion of the financial aid awards to the appropriate financial aid programs. A student is considered to have made a formal and explicit contract with the College for the semester in which he/she registers.
Methods of Payment
Tuition and fees is due in full at the time of registration unless arrangements are made to take advantage of the University’s Deferred Payment Plan. The University accepts cash, personal checks, cashier’s cheques, money orders, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express for payment of registration fees.
Change of Address
The student’s current mailing address and permanent address must be listed in the University’s records and any change must be reported immediately to the Office of Records and Registration. A student is not excused from penalties on the grounds that he/she did not receive communications mailed from the University if he/she failed to report the new address.