Online Technology Support
When planning to teach in alternative modalities (e.g. blended, hybrid, remote, online, etc.), faculty and instructors should work 2-3 months in advance to begin building course content. Most ideally, this can be done through the Canvas Learning Management System. Class sessions can also be facilitated through Microsoft 365 and Zoom video conferencing. Keep in mind that not every option will work for every teaching environment and some experiential learning courses, such as labs and clinics, may not easily be accommodated.
All faculty and instructors need to consider the following training options for alternative instruction, and communicate effectively and in a timely nature to their students:
- Getting started with Canvas – the basics
- How to sign into Canvas & locate your course (htu.instructure.com)
- How to customize a course Home page
- How to take Attendance in Canvas
- How to manage the Settings of your course in Canvas
- How to cross-list multiple same-course sections in Canvas (merging sections into one canvas course shell)
- Deliver course material using Canvas
- Communicating with students, and student engagement forums
- Allow assignments to be submitted digitally through Canvas.
- Assessing student assignments
- How to manage Grades in Canvas
- How to use Turnitin Similarity (academic integrity system)
- Host a live, synchronous class session
- Teach on the go! Watch how to download the Canvas Teacher app!
Additional training videos are available to aid faculty and instructors in Canvas usage.
Video Conferencing
Faculty and instructors may also host a class session remotely through Zoom video conferencing. To schedule a session, contact The Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation at cait@htu.edu. 24 business hour notification requested. Once requested, faculty and instructors will be provided connection information detailing how to join a meeting. Faculty should share this information with students at least 24 hours in advance for adequate preparation for remote class session. Additional training videos and tutorials are found here.
If you do not regularly teach alternative (online and/or hybrid and blended methods), take time to review your current curriculum and identify what content, student learning outcomes and assessment types would be best suited online. The Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation will be happy to make recommendations and assist in moving essential course functions to a remote access format. Contact The Center for Academic Innovation and Transformation at cait@htu.edu to schedule a one-on-one discussion.