Emergency Contact Information and Policies
Emergency Phone Numbers
Other Useful Numbers
24-Hour Crisis Hotlines
Parking Policies and Procedures
1. The registration of all vehicles operated on the campus, except visitor’s vehicles, is required.
2. The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator and lack of space is not a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation.
Parking Fees
Student non-reserved$50.00 – Fall, Spring and Summer semesters $12.50 – Fall or Spring semesters $12.50 – Summer semester |
Faculty and Staff reserved$100.00 – valid from September 1 to August 31 of issued year |
Additional Information
Additional or replacement parking permits may be obtained at the same rate as indicated above.
Students found operating and parking a vehicle on campus without the permit will be automatically charged. The vehicle registration fee will be charged to the individual’s account.
General Campus Safety Information
Campus safety officers investigate suspected or reported violations of the University Code of Conduct. In the case of serious violations, the Campus Safety Department is required by law to enforce all laws.
Sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault are serious felony crimes, and the University considers it imperative to provide sexual assault awareness programs aimed at the prevention of such crimes. HTCS Crime Prevention Officer is available at 512.505.3011, and personnel from the HT Health Services is available at 512.505.3039. In addition, representatives from the Women’s Center (Rape Crisis) 512.267.SAFE (7233).
Sexual offenses include, but are not limited to, some form of forced or non-consensual intercourse, indecent exposure, or indecency with a child, and range from Class C misdemeanors to second degree felonies. The victims of these crimes should report the crime to the Austin Police Department (911), and to HTCS (512.505.3010). HT Health Services (512.505.3039) will assist any victim by direct counseling or referral to the appropriate agency.
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act: Information about Registered Sex Offender Students and Employees
Information concerning registered sex offenders who are students or employees at the University may be obtained at the offices of HTCS located in Conner-Washington Building; Room F. Information on all registered sex offenders may be obtained from the Texas Department of Public Safety at their website.
Additionally, Campus Safety is required to share all pertinent facts regarding the individuals involved and the circumstances surrounding such violations with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.